Thursday, September 12, 2024

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing:
The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase the highlight reels of other people's lives, creating unrealistic expectations and promoting consumerism. For instance, a study found that exposure to luxury brands on Instagram led to increased feelings of inadequacy and decreased self-esteem among young adults.
The constant stream of information on social media can lead to information overload, causing feelings of anxiety and fatigue. A survey revealed that 60% of adults feel overwhelmed by the amount of news they consume on social media, leading to a decrease in their overall sense of well-being.
The social media can also have a negative impact on relationships. A study found that excessive social media use can lead to social isolation, as people substitute online interactions for in-person connections. For example, a woman in her 30s reported feeling lonely despite having over 1,000 Facebook friends, highlighting the disparity between online connections and meaningful relationships.
Lastly, social media can also affect our self-identity and body image. A study revealed that exposure to idealized images of peers on social media led to increased body dissatisfaction and negative self-comparisons among teenage girls. This highlights the need for responsible social media use and digital literacy.


Side effects of social media 
Social media showcases unrealistic expectations, promoting consumerism and decreasing self-esteem. Information overload on social media causes anxiety and fatigue, with many adults feeling overwhelmed. Excessive social media use leads to social isolation, substituting online interactions for in-person connections. Idealized images on social media harm self-identity and body image, particularly among teenage girls.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Example of Statement of Purpose (SOP)

Q. Imagine, after your HSC Board Examination, you wish to pursue a degree in 'Bachelor in Communication Skills,' in a reputed university in India or abroad. Prepare a 'statement of purpose' (SOP) in about 150 words which will help you to get admission in your dream university.
Ans. As a high school graduate with a passion for effective communication, I am eager to pursue a degree in ‘Bachelor in Communication Skills’ from Mumbai University. From an early age, I have been fascinated by the power of language and communication in shaping thoughts, influencing opinions, and connecting people across diverse cultures. This passion has driven me to excel in language studies throughout my academic career, and I now wish to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Skills. Throughout my academic journey, I have been fascinated by the power of communication in shaping relationships, influencing decisions, and driving social change.
My strong foundation in languages, public speaking, and writing has equipped me with the skills to articulate ideas, empathize with diverse audiences, and craft compelling narratives. I believe that studying at a reputed university like Mumbai University will provide me with the critical skills, global perspective, and academic excellence, necessary to succeed in the dynamic field of communication. I am eager to learn from the experienced faculty, engage with like-minded peers, and contribute to the academic community.
My goal is to gain a deep understanding of the theories and practices that make communication effective, particularly in a global context. I am especially interested in exploring areas such as media studies, intercultural communication, and digital communication strategies.
I aim to benefit from this program to refine my skills, explore new media platforms, and develop a clear understanding of global communication trends. Upon graduation, I aspire to work in corporate communications, public relations, or digital media, harnessing my skills to drive positive impact. This program will be a significant step towards my ambition of becoming a skilled communicator and a innovative leader in the field.
I am confident that Mumbai University’s esteemed faculty, cutting-edge curriculum, and diverse community will empower me to achieve my goals and become a thoughtful, innovative communication professional.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Critical Appreciation of “The Planners” by Boey Kim Cheng

“The Planners” is a thought-provoking poem that explores the tensions between progress and preservation of old culture and character of the city in urban development. Through a critical lens, the poet examines the impact of planning, on the cultural heritage, history, and individual identity of a city or town. 
The poem creates a powerful comment on the cost of urbanisation and indirectly raises a question if it is worth. The poem criticises the urban planning and development which is erasing history and culture in the name of progress.
The title “The Planners” suggests a focus on those who design and organize the urban environment, reflecting on the impact of modernization and urbanisation. It effectively captures the central theme of the poem, highlighting the role of urban planners in shaping the city’s landscape.
Boey Kim Cheng, a Singaporean poet, is known for his works that explore themes of identity, displacement, culture and the effects of rapid urbanization. His poetry often reflects a deep concern about the loss of heritage and the consequences of modernization.
Poem’s Summary can be as follows. “The Planners” addresses the relentless urbanization in Singapore, where the landscape is systematically altered to create a uniform, accurately designed environment. The poet laments the erasing of history and nature, as cities are designed with cold precision, minus the imperfections which create emotional connection to the past.
The central theme of the poem is the conflict between progress and heritage. The poet criticizes the dehumanizing aspects of urban planning that prioritizes efficiency over the preservation of culture and history. The theme revolves around the tension between preservation of what is old but valuable and the progress brought by the planners. The poet is lamenting over the loss of the cultural heritage.
The language of the poem is cynical and detached, mirroring the precise and methodical but emotionless way of the planners’ work. The poet uses sharp, measured phrases that convey the style of modern urban planning. He uses concise, simple language with vivid imagery and uses irony and contrast.
The poet employs various poetic devices, including, Imagery through the detail description of the work of the planners and their style with which they are changing the urban landscape. The poet uses Metaphor when the city is compared to a patient undergoing dental surgery. He also uses Alliteration which adds to the rhythm to the poem.
The special feature of the poem is its structure, with its short, fragmented lines which reflect the mechanical and emotionless process and the fragmented nature of urban planning.
The poet’s message is that, we need to be careful with the idea of progress as we have a risk of losing our connection to history, culture, and nature in the pursuit of modernization. The poem warns us against the dangers of selecting the so called progress over human experiences, culture, history and memories.
The poem promotes the values of giving importance to cultural heritage and maintaining a balance between development and preservation of what really matters in human life. It promotes a reflective approach about progress, requesting us to consider what is lost in the process. The poem also conveys the importance of preserving cultural identity and historical context in the face of rapid modernization.
My opinion is that, “The Planners” is a powerful comment on the mechanical process of urbanization, sadly pointing towards the cost of progress. The poem’s language and use of imagery effectively conveys the soullessness of a landscape stripped off its history, in the process of planning the cities and towns in the modern world.
"The Planners" is a thought-provoking poem that effectively criticizes the lack of character and personality in the modern planning of urban spaces. The poem shares a powerful comment on the human cost of progress. The poem's message of exploring the complexities of urban development and the importance of preserving cultural heritage, is really relevant today.

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...