Sunday, August 25, 2024

Critical Appreciation of “Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth

“Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth is a sonnet that captures the beauty of London city’s view at early morning time visible from the Westminster Bridge.
The title “ Upon Westminster Bridge” mentions the specific location, suggesting that the poet’s inspiration is drawn from the scene observed from Westminster Bridge in London. This title reflects Wordsworth’s style of finding poetic beauty in everyday sights.
William Wordsworth, a prominent poet of the Romantic era, is known for his deep connection with nature and his close connection with the natural world.
The poem can be summarized as follows. The poem describes the serene and peaceful atmosphere of London city viewed from the Westminster Bridge when the city was still asleep, and the poem covers the poet’s emotional response to this scene. The poem captures a moment in the early morning as Wordsworth stands on Westminster Bridge, admiring the stillness and beauty of London before the city awakens. The poet is awestruck by the sight of the sun rising over the city’s landmarks, which are shining in the sunlight. The city, often associated with noise and chaos, is here presented as serene and majestic.
The central theme of the poem is the beauty and tranquillity of nature, even within an urban environment. Wordsworth emphasizes how the natural elements like light, air, and the stillness of the morning, transform the city into something beautiful and almost sublime.
The poem is written in a traditional sonnet structure, with a reflective tone. Wordsworth uses simple yet powerful language to evoke the beauty of the scene, using vivid imagery to describe the scene. The poem is a Petrarchan sonnet, with a traditional rhyme scheme (abba abbba cdcdcd) that contributes to its harmonious tone. The language is descriptive, with a focus on visual imagery.
The poet employs various poetic devices, including personification (e.g., the city wearing “the beauty of the morning”), similes, and metaphors. The use of alliteration adds to the poem’s flowing, peaceful rhythm.
The special aspect of this poem is its focus on urban beauty, which contrasts with Wordsworth’s usual celebration of rural landscapes. The poem captures a rare moment of peace in a bustling city, offering a fresh perspective on urban life. It also emphasizes the impact of industrialization and how beautiful a city can also look without any effect of industrial activities. The poem’s use of imagery and personification creates a vivid picture of the scene, while its sonnet structure adds to its musicality.
The poem conveys a message that beauty can be found in unexpected places and moments like an urban landscape at early morning time. It suggests that one must be open to seeing the world anew, recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary.
The poem promotes values such as appreciation for nature, beauty, mindfulness and the ability to find peace and beauty in one’s surroundings.
According to my opinion, “ Upon Westminster Bridge” is a timeless reflection on how beauty exists in every corner of the world, even in the heart of a busy city. Wordsworth’s ability to see and articulate this beauty is a testament to his poetic genius, making the poem a powerful reminder to pause and appreciate the world around us.
Overall, “Upon Westminster Bridge” is a beautiful and contemplative poem that showcases Wordsworth’s ability to find beauty in everyday scenes. The poem’s use of imagery and poetic devices creates a vivid picture of the scene, while its themes and message continue to resonate with readers. Wordsworth’s sonnet is a testament to his skill as a poet and his ability to evoke various emotions in the reader.

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