Monday, April 22, 2024

Active - Passive Voice: Exercises for practice

Q. Change the voice.

1. The manager writes the report. 
2. The chef cooks the meal. 
3. The teacher teaches the lesson. 
4. The company launches the new product. 
5. The artist paints the portrait. 
6. The play is directed by Sarah. 
7. The package was delivered by the courier company.  
8. The research is conducted by a team of scientists. 
9. The award is presented to the winner. 
10. The music is composed by Ajay-Atul. 
11. The marketing team is developing a new advertising campaign. 
12. The professor has been teaching this course for five years. 
13. The company will launch a new product next quarter. 
14. The researchers have conducted extensive experiments on the new material. 
15. The manager had assigned the project to the team. 
16. The new policy has been implemented by the administration. 
17. The play was written by Shakespeare over 400 years ago. 
18. The package had been delivered to the wrong address. 
19. The research findings are being analyzed by a team of experts. 
20. The award was presented to the winner by the CEO. 
21. The company's sales team has been consistently exceeding their quarterly targets. 
22. The new employee is being trained by the HR department. 
23. The scientists have been studying the effects of climate change for decades. 
24. The marketing department is responsible for launching the new product. 
25. The teacher had given the students a lot of homework. 
26. The new software is being used by several companies. 
27. The play had been performed in front of a packed audience. 
28. The package was delivered to him by mistake. 
29. The research paper is being reviewed by a panel of experts. 
30. The award was presented to the winner by the jury. 

Answer key 
1. The report is written by the manager.
2. The meal is cooked by the chef.
3. The lesson is taught by the teacher.
4. The new product is launched by the company.
5. The portrait is painted by the artist.
6. Sarah directs the play.
7. The courier company delivered the package.
8. A team of scientists conducts the research.
9. Someone presents the award to the winner.
10. Ajay-Atul compose the music.
11. A new advertising campaign is being developed by the marketing team.
12. This course has been taught by the professor for five years.
13. A new product will be launched by the company next quarter.
14. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the new material by the researchers.
15. The project had been assigned to the team by the manager.
16. The administration has implemented the new policy.
17. Shakespeare wrote the play over 400 years ago.
18. Someone had delivered the package to the wrong address.
19. A team of experts is analyzing the research findings.
20. The CEO presented the award to the winner.
21. The company’s quarterly targets have been consistently exceeded by the sales team.
22. The HR department is training the new employee.
23. The effects of climate change have been studied by the scientists for decades.
24. The new product is being launched by the marketing department.
25. A lot of homework had been given to the students by the teacher.
26. Several companies are using the new software.
27. The actors had performed the play in front of a packed audience.
28. They had delivered the package to him by mistake.
29. A panel of experts is reviewing the research paper.
30. The jury presented the award to the winner.

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