Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Blog Writing

• Blog is an online journal, post or writing on the website page 
• It is presented in the reverse chronological order.
• It’s a way of expressing yourself on the given digital platform.
• In the question, the topic of the post will be given preferably with the guidelines.
• Draw the layout of the blog page.
• Use menu bar, side bar and the footer.
• The header has the menu or navigation bar and the name of the blog
• The main content area has latest blog post on the given topic as a title of the post
• The sidebar has social profiles, favourite content or other details.
• The footer has the relevant information like disclaimer, copyright statement, privacy policy and contact page, email address or website address etc.
• The various bars can have Blog characteristics i.e. archives, comments etc.
• Write the blog post in the middle box on the page in approximately three paragraphs under the given title.
• Language should be lively, interactive, informal, communicative and easy to understand.

Blog Formats:

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...