Sunday, April 28, 2024

Types of Sentences: (Simple, Compound, Complex) Exercises for practice

Q. Do as directed. 

1. When I go to school, I study heard. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
2. They have fun playing soccer. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
3. While they are on vacation, they visit famous monuments. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
4. We go to concerts, and we enjoy the music. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
5. I read books which help me learn new things. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
6. He watches TV to relax his mind. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
7. When she has a problem, she asks me for help. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
8. They went to the beach but they could not swim in the ocean. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
9. We go to the movies to enjoy ourselves. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
10. Whenever they have free time, they go to watch movies. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
11. While they play video games, they compete with each other. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
12. I feel proud that I regularly do my homework. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
13. I study hard and I want to get good grades. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
14. She speaks French fluently, and understands Spanish perfectly. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
15. She listens to music and she sings along. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
16. She cooks dinner, and she makes it delicious. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
17. He works out every morning, and feels energized throughout the day. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
18. When they go to the beach, they swim in the ocean. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
19. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
20. They live in a small town as they love its quiet atmosphere. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
21. They travel to new places every year to explore different cultures. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
22. We visit our grandparents and listen to their interesting stories. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
23. As they travel, they meet new people. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
24. As they study hard for their exams, they feel confident about their preparation. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
25. I go to the gym to work out and I want to stay fit. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
26. He plays soccer well but he couldn’t score goals in that match. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
27. As I want to improve my skills, I practice piano every day. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
28. As I learn new languages, I understand different cultures better. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
29. When he finishes his project, he feels a sense of accomplishment and pride. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
30. As they are curious, they ask questions and seek answers. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)

Answer key:
1. I go to school, and I study hard.
2. They play soccer and they have fun.
3. They visit famous monuments during their vaccination.
4. When we go to concerts, we enjoy the music.
5. I read books and they help me learn new things.
6. He watches TV and it relaxes his mind.
7. In case of having a problem, she asks me for help.
8. Though they went to the beach, they could not swim in the ocean.
9. We go to the movies and we enjoy ourselves.
10. They go to watch movies in their free time.
11. They play video games and they compete with each other.
12. I do my homework regularly and I feel proud about it.
13. I study hard because I want to get good grades.
14. She speaks French fluently along with understanding Spanish perfectly.
15. She sings along while she is listening to music.
16. She cooks delicious dinner.
17. He feels energized throughout the day because he works out every morning.
18. They go to the beach and they swim in the ocean.
19. The sun rises in the east, setting in the west.
20. They live in a small town, and love its quiet atmosphere.
21. They travel to new places every year, and explore different cultures.
22. When we visit our grandparents, we listen to their interesting stories.
23. They meet new people during their travel.
24. They study hard for their exams and feel confident about their preparation.
25. As I want to stay fit, I go to the gym to work out.
26. Though he plays soccer well, he couldn’t score goals in that match.
27. I practice piano every day to improve my skills.
28. I learn new languages and understand different cultures better.
29. He feels a sense of accomplishment and pride after finishing his project.
30. They ask questions and seek answers out of their curiosity.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Tenses: Exercises for Practice

Q. I Do as directed. 

1. I write letters to my friends. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
2. She teaches English at school. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past.) 
3. They play soccer every weekend. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
4. I visited my grandparents. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.)
5. I study for three hours every day. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.) 
6. She works as a doctor. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.) 
7. They attend the conference every year. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.) 
8. I went to Paris many times. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense.)  
9. She had breakfast at 8 am. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense.) 
10. They finished their project last month. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense.)  
11. I have studied English for three years. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
12. She has worked on this project since January. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
13. They have lived in this city for five years. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.) 
14. I will travel to Japan next year.  (Rewrite the sentence in Present Continuous tense.) 
15. She will graduate from the university in 2025. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Continuous tense.)  
16. I will study English for three years by the time I finish my course.  (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
17. They will launch their new product. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
18. I am studying for my exam. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
19. She is working on a new project. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.) 
20. I am writing a letter to my friend. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
21. They are building a new house. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
22. I have studied English for three years. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.) 
23. I have finished my homework. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
24. They have moved into a new house. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)  
25. She has been working on her project since January. (Rewrite the sentence in present perfect tense.)  
26. I have been living in this city for two years. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
27. I had finished my homework before I went to bed. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect Continuous tense.) 
28. She had completed her project before she went on vacation. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect Continuous tense.) 
29. I had gone to watch a movie last night. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
30. They had moved to a new house in 2022. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
31. I had been studying for three hours before taking a break. (Rewrite the sentence in Past Perfect tense.) 
32. She had been working on her project for two months before she finished it. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect tense.) 
33. I had been living in Paris for five years before I moved to London.  (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect tense.) 
34. They had been building their new house for a year before they moved there. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect tense.) 
35. I will have shifted to a new house by next month. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.)  

Answer key 
1. I wrote letters to my friends.
2. She taught English at school.
3. They played soccer every weekend.
4.  I will visit my grandparents. 
5. I will study for three hours every day.
6. She will work as a doctor.
7. They will attend the conference every year.
8. I have gone to Paris many times.
9. She has had breakfast at 8 am.
10. They have finished their project last month.
11. I have been studying English for three years. 
12. She has been working on this project since January.
13. They have been living in this city for five years.
14. I am traveling to Japan next year.
15. She is graduating from the university in 2025.
16. I have been studying English for three years.
17. They have been launching their new product.
18. I have been studying for my exam.
19. She has been working on a new project.
20. I wrote a letter to my friend.
21. They built a new house.
22. I have been studying English for three years.
23. I finished my homework. 
24. They moved into a new house.
25. She has worked on her project since January.
26. I lived in this city for two years.
27. I had been finishing my homework before I went to bed. 
28. She had been completing her project before she went on vacation.
29. I went to watch a movie last night.
30. They moved to a new house in 2022.
31. I had studied for three hours before taking a break.
32. She had worked on her project for two months before she finished it.
33. I had lived in Paris for five years before I moved to London.
34. They had built their new house in a year before they moved there.
35. I will shift to a new house by next month.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Active - Passive Voice: Exercises for practice

Q. Change the voice.

1. The manager writes the report. 
2. The chef cooks the meal. 
3. The teacher teaches the lesson. 
4. The company launches the new product. 
5. The artist paints the portrait. 
6. The play is directed by Sarah. 
7. The package was delivered by the courier company.  
8. The research is conducted by a team of scientists. 
9. The award is presented to the winner. 
10. The music is composed by Ajay-Atul. 
11. The marketing team is developing a new advertising campaign. 
12. The professor has been teaching this course for five years. 
13. The company will launch a new product next quarter. 
14. The researchers have conducted extensive experiments on the new material. 
15. The manager had assigned the project to the team. 
16. The new policy has been implemented by the administration. 
17. The play was written by Shakespeare over 400 years ago. 
18. The package had been delivered to the wrong address. 
19. The research findings are being analyzed by a team of experts. 
20. The award was presented to the winner by the CEO. 
21. The company's sales team has been consistently exceeding their quarterly targets. 
22. The new employee is being trained by the HR department. 
23. The scientists have been studying the effects of climate change for decades. 
24. The marketing department is responsible for launching the new product. 
25. The teacher had given the students a lot of homework. 
26. The new software is being used by several companies. 
27. The play had been performed in front of a packed audience. 
28. The package was delivered to him by mistake. 
29. The research paper is being reviewed by a panel of experts. 
30. The award was presented to the winner by the jury. 

Answer key 
1. The report is written by the manager.
2. The meal is cooked by the chef.
3. The lesson is taught by the teacher.
4. The new product is launched by the company.
5. The portrait is painted by the artist.
6. Sarah directs the play.
7. The courier company delivered the package.
8. A team of scientists conducts the research.
9. Someone presents the award to the winner.
10. Ajay-Atul compose the music.
11. A new advertising campaign is being developed by the marketing team.
12. This course has been taught by the professor for five years.
13. A new product will be launched by the company next quarter.
14. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the new material by the researchers.
15. The project had been assigned to the team by the manager.
16. The administration has implemented the new policy.
17. Shakespeare wrote the play over 400 years ago.
18. Someone had delivered the package to the wrong address.
19. A team of experts is analyzing the research findings.
20. The CEO presented the award to the winner.
21. The company’s quarterly targets have been consistently exceeded by the sales team.
22. The HR department is training the new employee.
23. The effects of climate change have been studied by the scientists for decades.
24. The new product is being launched by the marketing department.
25. A lot of homework had been given to the students by the teacher.
26. Several companies are using the new software.
27. The actors had performed the play in front of a packed audience.
28. They had delivered the package to him by mistake.
29. A panel of experts is reviewing the research paper.
30. The jury presented the award to the winner.

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...