Saturday, June 1, 2024

Questions and Topics for Writing Skills

Question for report writing
Q. Write the report of the – function celebrated in your college. Use following points for reference.
• Venue and time of the ceremony
• Chief Guest
• Inauguration Ceremony
• Activities
• Conclusion
Topics for Report Writing 
• Independence day
• Republic day
• Annual day
• Students’ week
• Intercollegiate Festival
• Creative Writing workshop
• Painting and Drawing workshops
• Dance competition
• Singing competition
• Quiz competition
• Visit to a nature park
• Visit to a factory
• Speech by a guest speaker
Topics for speech
• Need for democracy
• Features of the constitution of India
• Freedom of speech
• Qualities of an ideal politician
• Equality before law
• Importance of casting our vote
• Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality
• Role of youth in creating social awareness
• Duties of an ideal citizen
• Merits of democracy
• Advantages of education
• Equality: a blessing
• Unity in diversity
• Agriculture, the primary occupation in India
• Cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature
• Ways to conserve nature
• Importance of Sports
• Increasing use of mobile phones
• Science and superstitions
• Courtesy is the light of life
• Importance of soft skills in today’s life
Topics for group discussion
• Need for democracy
• Features of the constitution of India
• Freedom of speech
• Dictatorship vs democracy
• Qualities of an ideal politician
• Equality before law
• Importance of casting our vote
• Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality
• Role of youth in creating social awareness
• Duties of an ideal citizen
• Merits of democracy
• Advantages of education
• Equality: a blessing
• Importance of mental health
• Cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature
• Ways to conserve nature
• Is sports as a subject essential at junior college level?
• Should ‘Earn and Learn’ concept be made compulsory for students after 12th std.?
• Social media: a course or a boon?
• Women empowerment and equality
• Climate change
• Welfare of the senior citizens
• Importance of rivers
• Balanced progress without harming the Nature
• Teenagers are too much inclined towards junk food
• Importance of hobbies
• Role of ICT in education
• Clean India: the action plan
• To raise funds from college students to help a classmate’s education
• Strategy to win a match in Intercollegiate sports competition
Topics for appeal/ flyer/ leaflet
• Say no to junk food
• Importance of casting our vote
• Youth creating social awareness
• Importance of mental health
• Save nature
• Play sports for healthy body and mind
• Yoga class
• Summer hobby class
• Book club
• Nature club
• Tree plantation drive
• Cleanliness drive
• Eradicate child labour
• Awareness to end addiction of any substance like alcohol /tobacco or drugs
• Conservation of wildlife
• Using handloom products in daily life
Topics for blog
• Organic Farming
• Importance of mental health
• Earth with no trees
• Man vs nature
• Say no to tobacco
• Child labour: A course to humanity
• Personality development
• Social dynamics
• Health and fitness
• Need for the effective communication skills
• Self-defence: the most important
• Conservation of wild animals and their habitat
• Man is free by birth
Topics for expansion of an idea
• Birds of the same feather flock together
• The best punishment is forgiveness
• Make hay while the sun shines
• Love thy neighbour as thyself
• Tit for tat
• Reap as you sow
• Travel broadens the mind
• A bad workman blames his tools
• One should eat to live, not live to eat – Franklin
• If winter comes, can spring be far behind? – Shelley
• Beauty is truth, truth is beauty – Keats
• Feels rush in where angels fear to trade – Alexander Pope
• Actions speak louder than words
• The face is the index of the mind
• Speech is silver and silence is golden
• Argument is the worst kind of communication
• Attitudes are the real figures of speech
• The wise man has long ears and a short tongue
• Manners maketh man
• Nature is a great teacher and a guide
• Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them
• All roads lead to Rome
• A man without liberty is a body without soul
• Pride goes before a fall
• Time and tide wait for none
• Man proposes, God disposes
• Look before you leap
• A thing if beauty is a joy forever
• A friend in need is a friend indeed
• A stich at the time saves nine
• Where is a will there is a way
• Old is gold
• Honesty is the best policy
Questions for email writing
• Write an email to an online shopping platform selling customised gift articles and printed items. Place an order for 20 t-shirts with the logo of your college association and the office bearer’s name in it. Discuss the other important details as well.
• Write an email to a celebrity from any field, requesting him/her to be the judge of your college association event. Discuss the other important details as well.
• Write an email to the well known personality who was the guest speaker of the college event you had organised. Add the necessary details.
• Write an email to your friend, asking her /him about the online coaching platform she/he is using and request for the feedback and suggestions about what should you select for your studies.
• Write an email to your college, informing the college about the technical issues you were facing during your online lecturers due to which you had inadequate attendance during the term.
• Write an email to an insurance company, requesting them to change your payment mode from monthly to yearly with auto payment option. Give necessary details.
• Write an email your college authority requesting them to give you the recommendation letter which is required for the university admission you are seeking.
• Write an email to your college authority requesting them to give you the bona-fide certificate you need to avail extra students’ discount on the purchase of a laptop.
• Write an email to your friend, requesting her/him to send you all the notes of any subject. You can mention the reason you don’t have them in your system.
• Write an email to the principal of your college asking him /her the permission to arrange a students’ trek as the activity organised by the Nature Club of the college. Add the necessary details.
• Write an email to the principal of your college requesting him /her to issue a duplicate Identity Card for you as you have lost your identity card and need it for participating in an Intercollegiate event.
• Write an email to your friends sharing the details of the road trip you all have planned and you are organising it. Share the details of mode of transport, stay and various places you are going to cover in the journey. Add the necessary information.
Questions for interviewing a personality from the field of
• Agriculture
• Pharmacy
• Police
• Defence
• Acting
• Singing
• Movie direction
• Script writing
• Lyricist
• Cinematography
• Photography
• Music
• Writing
• Business
• Sports
• Event management
• Start up
• Social Work
• Science and research
• Anthropology
• Politics
• Education
• Banking
• Building and construction
• Medical services and health care
• Engineering
• Media

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...