Thursday, September 12, 2024

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing:
The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase the highlight reels of other people's lives, creating unrealistic expectations and promoting consumerism. For instance, a study found that exposure to luxury brands on Instagram led to increased feelings of inadequacy and decreased self-esteem among young adults.
The constant stream of information on social media can lead to information overload, causing feelings of anxiety and fatigue. A survey revealed that 60% of adults feel overwhelmed by the amount of news they consume on social media, leading to a decrease in their overall sense of well-being.
The social media can also have a negative impact on relationships. A study found that excessive social media use can lead to social isolation, as people substitute online interactions for in-person connections. For example, a woman in her 30s reported feeling lonely despite having over 1,000 Facebook friends, highlighting the disparity between online connections and meaningful relationships.
Lastly, social media can also affect our self-identity and body image. A study revealed that exposure to idealized images of peers on social media led to increased body dissatisfaction and negative self-comparisons among teenage girls. This highlights the need for responsible social media use and digital literacy.


Side effects of social media 
Social media showcases unrealistic expectations, promoting consumerism and decreasing self-esteem. Information overload on social media causes anxiety and fatigue, with many adults feeling overwhelmed. Excessive social media use leads to social isolation, substituting online interactions for in-person connections. Idealized images on social media harm self-identity and body image, particularly among teenage girls.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Example of Statement of Purpose (SOP)

Q. Imagine, after your HSC Board Examination, you wish to pursue a degree in 'Bachelor in Communication Skills,' in a reputed university in India or abroad. Prepare a 'statement of purpose' (SOP) in about 150 words which will help you to get admission in your dream university.
Ans. As a high school graduate with a passion for effective communication, I am eager to pursue a degree in ‘Bachelor in Communication Skills’ from Mumbai University. From an early age, I have been fascinated by the power of language and communication in shaping thoughts, influencing opinions, and connecting people across diverse cultures. This passion has driven me to excel in language studies throughout my academic career, and I now wish to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Skills. Throughout my academic journey, I have been fascinated by the power of communication in shaping relationships, influencing decisions, and driving social change.
My strong foundation in languages, public speaking, and writing has equipped me with the skills to articulate ideas, empathize with diverse audiences, and craft compelling narratives. I believe that studying at a reputed university like Mumbai University will provide me with the critical skills, global perspective, and academic excellence, necessary to succeed in the dynamic field of communication. I am eager to learn from the experienced faculty, engage with like-minded peers, and contribute to the academic community.
My goal is to gain a deep understanding of the theories and practices that make communication effective, particularly in a global context. I am especially interested in exploring areas such as media studies, intercultural communication, and digital communication strategies.
I aim to benefit from this program to refine my skills, explore new media platforms, and develop a clear understanding of global communication trends. Upon graduation, I aspire to work in corporate communications, public relations, or digital media, harnessing my skills to drive positive impact. This program will be a significant step towards my ambition of becoming a skilled communicator and a innovative leader in the field.
I am confident that Mumbai University’s esteemed faculty, cutting-edge curriculum, and diverse community will empower me to achieve my goals and become a thoughtful, innovative communication professional.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Critical Appreciation of “The Planners” by Boey Kim Cheng

“The Planners” is a thought-provoking poem that explores the tensions between progress and preservation of old culture and character of the city in urban development. Through a critical lens, the poet examines the impact of planning, on the cultural heritage, history, and individual identity of a city or town. 
The poem creates a powerful comment on the cost of urbanisation and indirectly raises a question if it is worth. The poem criticises the urban planning and development which is erasing history and culture in the name of progress.
The title “The Planners” suggests a focus on those who design and organize the urban environment, reflecting on the impact of modernization and urbanisation. It effectively captures the central theme of the poem, highlighting the role of urban planners in shaping the city’s landscape.
Boey Kim Cheng, a Singaporean poet, is known for his works that explore themes of identity, displacement, culture and the effects of rapid urbanization. His poetry often reflects a deep concern about the loss of heritage and the consequences of modernization.
Poem’s Summary can be as follows. “The Planners” addresses the relentless urbanization in Singapore, where the landscape is systematically altered to create a uniform, accurately designed environment. The poet laments the erasing of history and nature, as cities are designed with cold precision, minus the imperfections which create emotional connection to the past.
The central theme of the poem is the conflict between progress and heritage. The poet criticizes the dehumanizing aspects of urban planning that prioritizes efficiency over the preservation of culture and history. The theme revolves around the tension between preservation of what is old but valuable and the progress brought by the planners. The poet is lamenting over the loss of the cultural heritage.
The language of the poem is cynical and detached, mirroring the precise and methodical but emotionless way of the planners’ work. The poet uses sharp, measured phrases that convey the style of modern urban planning. He uses concise, simple language with vivid imagery and uses irony and contrast.
The poet employs various poetic devices, including, Imagery through the detail description of the work of the planners and their style with which they are changing the urban landscape. The poet uses Metaphor when the city is compared to a patient undergoing dental surgery. He also uses Alliteration which adds to the rhythm to the poem.
The special feature of the poem is its structure, with its short, fragmented lines which reflect the mechanical and emotionless process and the fragmented nature of urban planning.
The poet’s message is that, we need to be careful with the idea of progress as we have a risk of losing our connection to history, culture, and nature in the pursuit of modernization. The poem warns us against the dangers of selecting the so called progress over human experiences, culture, history and memories.
The poem promotes the values of giving importance to cultural heritage and maintaining a balance between development and preservation of what really matters in human life. It promotes a reflective approach about progress, requesting us to consider what is lost in the process. The poem also conveys the importance of preserving cultural identity and historical context in the face of rapid modernization.
My opinion is that, “The Planners” is a powerful comment on the mechanical process of urbanization, sadly pointing towards the cost of progress. The poem’s language and use of imagery effectively conveys the soullessness of a landscape stripped off its history, in the process of planning the cities and towns in the modern world.
"The Planners" is a thought-provoking poem that effectively criticizes the lack of character and personality in the modern planning of urban spaces. The poem shares a powerful comment on the human cost of progress. The poem's message of exploring the complexities of urban development and the importance of preserving cultural heritage, is really relevant today.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Critical Appreciation of “Nose Versus Eyes” by William Cowper

The Nose Versus Eyes is a satirical poem that imagines a legal dispute between the senses, Nose and Eyes. This absurd trial humorously exposes the weaknesses in legal system and the absurdity of certain human conflicts. This is an excellent thought-provoking poem.
William Cowper (1731-1800) was an English poet who’s poems are known for its accessibility, humor and insight into human nature. He was known for his satirical wit, gentle humor, and reflections on human nature. He often used irony to criticize societal norms and human behaviors.
The title cleverly captures the central theme of the poem, highlighting the debate between the two senses, Nose and Eyes. It indicates a humorous and satirical approach exploring deeper themes through the legal battle.
The summary of the poem can be as follows. The poem narrates a fictional trial where the Eyes sue the Nose for encroaching upon the rights of vision by taking over the spectacles. The ears being the Judge, hear both sides but deliver a judgment in favor of the Nose, claiming it has a better claim to spectacles since the Nose physically supports them. However, the decision is ironic because it deprives the Eyes of looking through the glasses, thus emphasizing the foolishness of the judgment.
The poem explores the themes of absurdity and the limitations of legal systems and the ironies in its decision-making processes. It critiques the arbitrary nature of justice and the tendency to ignore common sense.
The poet uses simple, clear and conversational language with the use of irony and humor, making the poem engaging and playful. The tone is light-hearted, with subtle but sharp satire. The poem is written in rhymed couplets, adding to its rhythm.
The poet employs poetic devices like personification extensively, attributing human qualities to the nose and eyes. Irony is central to the poem, particularly in the illogical legal judgment. The use of rhyme contributes to the poem's playful tone.
The special features of the poem are the poem’s use of satire to criticize the legal system and the absurdity in the final judgment. The use of personification adds humor to the poem.
The poet subtly conveys a message that human disputes can often be as trivial and ridiculous as the one depicted in the poem, and that sometimes, decisions that appear logical might overlook essential truths. The poem’s structure, language, and use of poetic devices all contribute to its effectiveness in conveying this message.
The poem promotes values of common sense, rational thinking, and a critical approach.
My opinion about the poem is that, Nose Versus Eyes is a thought-provoking poem that uses humor to criticize societal norms. Its playful language and irony make it an enjoyable read while encouraging readers to question the logic and fairness of human-made systems. Cowper’s skillful use of satire makes this poem both entertaining and insightful.
Overall "Nose Versus Eyes" is a delightful poem that showcases Cowper's skill in using humor to convey a message. The poem's lighthearted tone and clever wordplay make it an enjoyable read. Its playful nature and clever use of language make it a charming and memorable piece. Overall, it is a example of Cowper's ability to craft engaging and thought-provoking poetry.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Critical Appreciation of “Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth

“Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth is a sonnet that captures the beauty of London city’s view at early morning time visible from the Westminster Bridge.
The title “ Upon Westminster Bridge” mentions the specific location, suggesting that the poet’s inspiration is drawn from the scene observed from Westminster Bridge in London. This title reflects Wordsworth’s style of finding poetic beauty in everyday sights.
William Wordsworth, a prominent poet of the Romantic era, is known for his deep connection with nature and his close connection with the natural world.
The poem can be summarized as follows. The poem describes the serene and peaceful atmosphere of London city viewed from the Westminster Bridge when the city was still asleep, and the poem covers the poet’s emotional response to this scene. The poem captures a moment in the early morning as Wordsworth stands on Westminster Bridge, admiring the stillness and beauty of London before the city awakens. The poet is awestruck by the sight of the sun rising over the city’s landmarks, which are shining in the sunlight. The city, often associated with noise and chaos, is here presented as serene and majestic.
The central theme of the poem is the beauty and tranquillity of nature, even within an urban environment. Wordsworth emphasizes how the natural elements like light, air, and the stillness of the morning, transform the city into something beautiful and almost sublime.
The poem is written in a traditional sonnet structure, with a reflective tone. Wordsworth uses simple yet powerful language to evoke the beauty of the scene, using vivid imagery to describe the scene. The poem is a Petrarchan sonnet, with a traditional rhyme scheme (abba abbba cdcdcd) that contributes to its harmonious tone. The language is descriptive, with a focus on visual imagery.
The poet employs various poetic devices, including personification (e.g., the city wearing “the beauty of the morning”), similes, and metaphors. The use of alliteration adds to the poem’s flowing, peaceful rhythm.
The special aspect of this poem is its focus on urban beauty, which contrasts with Wordsworth’s usual celebration of rural landscapes. The poem captures a rare moment of peace in a bustling city, offering a fresh perspective on urban life. It also emphasizes the impact of industrialization and how beautiful a city can also look without any effect of industrial activities. The poem’s use of imagery and personification creates a vivid picture of the scene, while its sonnet structure adds to its musicality.
The poem conveys a message that beauty can be found in unexpected places and moments like an urban landscape at early morning time. It suggests that one must be open to seeing the world anew, recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary.
The poem promotes values such as appreciation for nature, beauty, mindfulness and the ability to find peace and beauty in one’s surroundings.
According to my opinion, “ Upon Westminster Bridge” is a timeless reflection on how beauty exists in every corner of the world, even in the heart of a busy city. Wordsworth’s ability to see and articulate this beauty is a testament to his poetic genius, making the poem a powerful reminder to pause and appreciate the world around us.
Overall, “Upon Westminster Bridge” is a beautiful and contemplative poem that showcases Wordsworth’s ability to find beauty in everyday scenes. The poem’s use of imagery and poetic devices creates a vivid picture of the scene, while its themes and message continue to resonate with readers. Wordsworth’s sonnet is a testament to his skill as a poet and his ability to evoke various emotions in the reader.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "There is Another Sky" by Emily Dickinson

The poem “There is another sky” by Emily Dickinson is a thought-provoking and imaginative piece that explores the idea of a more beautiful and peaceful world beyond the negative and stressful life.
The title "There is Another Sky" suggests the existence of  a better world. It evokes a sense of hope and possibility, hinting at a place of peace and beauty beyond the ordinary world.
Emily Dickinson, one of America's most celebrated poets, is known for her reclusive life and introspective poetry. Her work often explores themes of nature and the inner workings of the human mind.
The poem is addressed to the poet's brother, Austin, inviting him to a metaphorical, idealized garden that symbolizes peace, tranquillity, and happiness.
The summary of the poem can be as follows. The speaker urges her brother to come to the world which is untouched by decay or despair. This another sky, the forest or the garden is a metaphorical place where flowers never fade, and the leaf is always green. It is a world of eternal beauty and never ending spring, free from the harsh realities of life. The poem describes a serene and peaceful sky which is untouched by suffering and pain and is filled with love and hope.
The central theme of the poem is the indication for a better world, free from the troubles and sorrows of our lives. The poem explores themes of hope, happiness and the peace of mind. It shows the contrast and difference between the current world of the poet’s brother and the possible hopeful and peaceful state of the mind, the poet is pointing towards.
The poet uses simple yet elegant language. Her choice of words like "unfading," "bright bee," and "green forever" creates a vivid and beautiful image of the positive places she describes. Her language is characteristic of her unique style, with concise and expressive phrases that show various interpretations.
 It is a short, 14-line poem, written in free verse, without a regular rhyme scheme or meter. This reflects the freedom and boundlessness of the imaginative world the poet describes. The poem is written in Dickinson’s signature style, with short lines and irregular rhythm. The tone of the poem is gentle and persuasive, filled with warmth and affection.
The poem is rich in metaphors, with the another sky, forest and garden serving as symbols for a perfect, peaceful and happy world. Imagery is another key device, painting a picture of a serene, unchanging nature. Thus the poet employs metaphor by comparing the sky to a “serener” world, imagery by describing the various places and their beauty, and symbolism with the sky representing a better world. The poem’s use of imagery and symbolism creates a vivid picture of a peaceful world, while its concise language adds to its emotional impact.
The poem's special feature is that it stands out for its simplicity and the way it gently invites the reader into a peaceful mental landscape. Despite its brevity, it conveys a deep sense of solace and reassurance.
The poem conveys the message that, no matter how harsh the external world may be, there is always a place of beauty and peace within us that we can achieve.
The poem promotes values such as hope, love, and the need to come out of negativity and put efforts to create a better life. The poem also emphasizes the values like importance of maintaining hope and finding solace within oneself and conveys that there is hope for a better world, where love and peace prevail.
My opinion is that, "There is Another Sky" is a beautifully crafted poem that highlights Emily Dickinson's ability to convey profound emotions through simple language. Its hopeful message and serene imagery resonate deeply, offering comfort and inspiration to the reader.
Overall, it is a beautiful and contemplative poem that showcases Dickinson's unique style and imagination. The poem's themes and imagery continue to resonate with readers, making it a timeless classic.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "The Sower" by Victor Hugo, Translated by Torulata Dutt

“The Sower” by Victor Hugo is a thought-provoking poem that explores the themes of hope, perseverance, and sincere hard work.
The title "The Sower" aptly covers the central figure of the poem, symbolizing diligence, hope, and the timeless work of a farmer.
Victor Hugo, a renowned French writer and poet, is known for his inspiring poetry and novels. Torulata Dutt, an Indian poet, translated this piece, bringing its rich imagery and deep themes of the poem effectively into English language.
"The Sower" paints a vivid picture of a farmer sowing seeds at the late evening time in twilight. The poem captures the dedication and resilience of the farmer as he labours with strong determination.
The summary of the poem is as follows. The poem describes an old and poor sower working tirelessly in his field at the end of the day. Despite his age and the darkening surroundings, he continues to sow seeds, driven by a deep faith in the future harvest. The sower despite the challenges and uncertainties of life, continues to sow seeds, symbolizing the act of great determination and sincerity.
The central themes include perseverance, hope in the face of adversity and the importance of the farmers in our life. The sower represents the relentless human spirit, sowing seeds today with the faith in a fruitful tomorrow.
The language is rich and descriptive, using vivid imagery to convey the scene. Torulata Dutt's translation retains the original poem's lyrical quality and depth, effectively conveying the sower’s unwavering dedication towards his work.
The poem is written in a lyrical style, with a focus on the detail description balancing between the rhythm of language and the rhythm of the sower’s actions.
The poem employs many poetic devices like imagery, personification and alliteration to convey the poet’s thoughts effectively.
The most important feature of the poem is the contrast between the sower’s physical frailty and his inner strength, highlighting the poem's message of resilience. The poem also conveys the heard work the farmers put in every harvest, making us value the food and Farmers who produce it with great efforts.
The poem suggests that the act of sowing, whether seeds in a field or efforts in life—holds intrinsic value and purpose. The poem conveys the message that even in the condition of uncertainty, one must continue to live, give, and hope.
The poem emphasizes the values of hard work, hope, and faith in the face of adversity. The poem also promotes values such as resilience and selflessness.
According to my opinion, "The Sower" is a timeless poem that captures universal themes of perseverance and hope. Its vivid imagery and profound message make it a powerful poem that highlights the enduring nature of the human spirit.
Overall, "The Sower" is a powerful and moving poem that explores the condition of farmers. The poet’s effective use of language and poetic devices creates a vivid portrait of the sower's unwavering dedication. The poem's themes and message move the reader, making it a timeless classic. The translation by Dutta effectively captures the essence of Hugo's original work, allowing readers to appreciate the poem's beauty and significance.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "Cherry Tree" by Ruskin Bond

The poem “Cherry Tree” by Ruskin Bond is a beautiful poetic piece that explores the passing of time and the significance of companionship with reference to the cherry tree poet had planted.
The poem describes a cherry tree planted by the poet which has grown and flourished over the years, serving as a symbol of friendship and support for the poet.
The title "Cherry Tree" immediately evokes the image of nature and growth and the life of the cherry tree.
Ruskin Bond is an acclaimed Indian author and poet of British descent, renowned for his vivid storytelling and profound connection with nature. His works often celebrate the simple joys of life and the beauty of the natural environment.
The summary of the poem can be as follows. "Cherry Tree" narrates the journey of planting a cherry seed and witnessing its growth over time. The poem captures the struggles of the tiny sapling as it transforms into a fully grown tree, overcoming various challenges like harsh weather and animal interference. The poet expresses his wonder and joy at the sight of the tree blossoming and bearing fruit.
The central theme of the poem is the importance of the role of the cherry tree in poet’s life and memories.
The other theme of the poem is the miracle of life and nature's resilience. It highlights poet’s deep satisfaction derived from witnessing growth and renewal of the cherry tree.
The language of the poem is simple yet effective. The narrative style enhances the poem's beauty. The poet uses vivid imagery to bring the cherry tree to life, allowing readers to visualize its growth and the challenges it faces.
The poem is written in a lyrical style, with a focus on the musicality of language. The poem is written in free verse, narrating the journey of the cherry tree. The conversational tone adds a personal touch, making the reader feel directly involved in the poet's experience.
The poet uses various poetic devices like imagery by giving vivid description of the scenes to create a rich sensory experience, personification by giving the tree human-like qualities and also uses alliteration in the poem giving it musical quality.
The poem's focus on the life of the cherry tree and the natural world's beauty is a special feature of poet’s work. His ability to find profound meaning in simple experiences is particularly striking in this poem.
The poem conveys a message of hope and resilience. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing life and being patient, as growth and beauty often come from the most humble beginnings.
Values of perseverance, patience, and respect for nature are central to the poem. It teaches that even small actions, like planting a seed, can lead to significant and rewarding outcomes.
My opinion about the poem is that "Cherry Tree" is a heart-warming and reflective poem that celebrates the small wonders of nature. Ruskin Bond's ability to capture the essence of life’s simple pleasures and convey profound messages through them is truly commendable. The poem serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty and resilience inherent in the natural world, encouraging readers to appreciate and nurture it.
Overall, "Cherry Tree" is a poignant and contemplative poem that explores the human experience of memory and time. Poet’s use of language and poetic devices creates a vivid and emotional portrait of the cherry tree and its significance. The poem's themes and message continue to resonate with readers, making it a timeless classic.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "Small Towns and Rivers" by Mamang Dai

The poem “Small Towns and Rivers” by Mamang Dai is a poignant and evocative exploration of the connection between people, places, and memory. The poem weaves together images of small towns and rivers, conjuring a sense of nostalgia and longing. 
The poem is a reflective poem that delves into the harmonious coexistence between the small towns and the rivers that nourish them.
The title "Small Towns and Rivers" aptly reflects the poem’s focus on the intimate relationship between small towns in Arunachal Pradesh and the rivers that flow through them. It evokes a sense of place and the natural elements that define it.
The poet, Mamang Dai is an acclaimed Indian poet and author from Arunachal Pradesh. Her work often explores themes related to nature, culture, and the intersection of tradition and modernity in her homeland.
Summary of the poem can be given as follows. The poem captures the serene beauty of small towns and their surrounding rivers, emphasizing the deep connection between the land and its people. The poet reflects on the life in these towns, the enduring presence of nature, and the subtle yet profound changes over time. The poem also comments on the violence and terrorism in her native town. She mentions how it is causing deaths there. The poem is an analytical view on the relationship between the speaker’s past and present, as she reflects on the small towns and rivers that have shaped their life.
The central theme is the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. The poet also touches upon themes of time, memory, and the transient yet timeless nature of life in these small towns.
The poet uses simple yet evocative language that captures the essence of the landscape and the people. Her descriptive style creates vivid imagery, allowing readers to visualize the scenes she describes. The language is characterized by its simplicity and clarity, yet it is rich in imagery and emotion. She employs a concise and direct style.
The poem is written in free verse, allowing for a natural flow that mirrors the rivers it describes. The style is contemplative and lyrical, blending observation with introspection. The poem is written in a lyrical style, with a focus on the musicality of language.
The poet employs various poetic devices but imagery and personification are used extensively. The rivers are personified, depicted as living entities that interact with the towns. Metaphors and similes are also used to draw parallels between the physical landscape and human emotions. The poet uses these poetic devices to create vivid descriptions of the towns and rivers. The poem’s use of repetition, particularly the refrain “small towns and rivers,” creates a sense of rhythm and unity. The poem’s structure, with its short stanzas and irregular rhythm, adds to its sense of fluidity and movement.
The special feature of the poem is the combination of cultural and natural elements, reflecting poet’s deep connection to her heritage. Her ability to convey profound truths through simple observations is another hallmark of her poetry.
The poem conveys a message of peace, harmony and coexistence, urging the readers to appreciate the beauty of nature and the quiet, simple small towns. The poem also conveys a message about the importance of memory and the connection between people and places. The poem highlights the way these places are changing. The poet conveys the message to the readers that we need to avoid the negative changes and help the towns grow in the right way so that they progress and flourish peacefully and shape our identities and experiences.
The values of simplicity, respect for nature, need of peace and the importance of cultural roots are central to the poem. It encourages a contemplative approach to life, valuing what is often overlooked. The poem also promotes values such as nostalgia, longing, and appreciation for the beauty of everyday life.
My opinion about the poem is that it is a beautifully crafted poem that offers a meditative glimpse into a world where nature and human life are deeply intertwined. Poet’s evocative language and keen observations make the poem a poignant reflection on the beauty and resilience of small-town life.
Overall, "Small Towns and Rivers" is a beautiful and contemplative poem that explores the complexities of memory and place. The use of language and form creates a sense of intimacy and connection, drawing the reader into the world of the poem, making it a powerful and enduring work.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "She Walks in Beauty" by George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron)

The poem “She Walks in Beauty” by George Gordon Byron is a mesmerizing tribute to the beauty of a woman. The poem describes a woman’s beauty as a harmonious blend of light and dark, highlighting her captivating presence.
The title "She Walks in Beauty" suggests an exploration of beauty not just as a static quality, but as something dynamic and living. It indicates a sense of movement and grace.
The Poet George Gordon Byron, commonly known as Lord Byron, was a leading figure in the Romantic movement. His works are known for their passionate emotion, imaginative grandeur, and the deep personal expression.
The poem’s summary can be as follows. The poem describes a woman's serene and pure beauty. The poet juxtaposes light and dark to depict her external appearance and internal goodness. The poet marvels at her harmonious balance of grace and innocence. The poem is a lyrical portrayal of a woman’s beauty, exploring the contrast between her dark hair and fair skin, and how this contrast creates a captivating effect.
The central theme is the profound and harmonious beauty that emanates both from physical appearance and inner virtue. The poet explores the unity of inner goodness and outer beauty, suggesting an ideal of moral and aesthetic perfection. The theme of the poem can also be described as the beauty of a woman and its captivating power.
The language is lyrical and rich in imagery. Byron uses simple yet evocative words to paint a vivid picture of the woman's beauty. The poem's language is musical and flowing, contributing to its tranquil and reflective mood. The poet’s language is characterized by its musical quality, with a focus on sound and rhythm. He employs a rich vocabulary, using words like “tender,” “heavenly,” and “sparkling” to emphasize the woman’s beauty.
The poem is structured in three six-line stanzas with an ababab rhyme scheme. This regular structure underscores the poem’s serene and balanced tone. The poem is written in a lyrical style, with a consistent rhyme scheme and meter. This creates a sense of fluidity and musicality, making the poem a pleasure to read aloud.
The poet employs various poetic devices, including, Simile in "She walks in beauty, like the night", Imagery through the Vivid visual images, such as "cloudless climes and starry skies", Alliteration in the lines like "Of cloudless climes and starry skies" and Antithesis in the use of contrasts, such as "One shade the more, one ray the less"
The special features of the poem are the poem’s harmonious rhyme scheme which enhance its musical quality. The consistent use of contrasts and balanced imagery reflects the theme of harmonious beauty.
The poet gives the message that true beauty is a harmonious blend of outer grace and inner virtue. This beauty is serene, unaffected, and pure, radiating an inner light that is as captivating as it is gentle. The poem also highlights the importance of appreciating and celebrating beauty in all its forms.
The poem promotes the values like simplicity, purity, and the serene beauty that comes from an inner moral goodness. It celebrates a natural, unadorned beauty that is both captivating and soothing. The poem also promotes values such as appreciation, admiration, and celebration of beauty.
My opinion is that, "She Walks in Beauty" is a timeless poem that delicately captures the essence of pure and serene beauty. The poet’s mastery in blending visual imagery with lyrical language makes it a profound and memorable work. The poem’s elegant simplicity and profound depth continue to resonate, making it a celebrated piece of Romantic poetry.
Overall, "She Walks in Beauty" is a stunning poem that showcases Byron's mastery of language and form. The poem's themes and imagery continue to resonate with readers today, making it a timeless classic. The poem's focus on the internal beauty of a woman is both captivating and thought-provoking, inviting readers to appreciate and celebrate beauty in all its forms.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Critical Appreciation of the Poem 'MONEY' By William H. Davies

The poem “Money” by William H. Davies is a thought-provoking piece that explores the theme of wealth and its impact on human life. The speaker argues that money can never bring happiness, and that it is a mere illusion to think otherwise.
The title "Money" immediately suggests the central theme of the poem, focusing on the influence and perception of money in human life.
The Poet, William H. Davies (1871-1940) was a Welsh poet and writer known for his keen observations of life and nature. His own experiences of poverty and wandering greatly influenced his works.
The poem, "Money" is a an interesting piece of writing where the poet shares his personal observations about wealth and poverty.
Summary of the poem can be as follows. The poem contrasts the narrator’s life when he was wealthy and when he was poor. Poet notes that while he had money, he was surrounded by friends and lived a life of excess. However, when he lost his wealth, he found true companionship and peace, suggesting a deeper appreciation of life beyond material possessions.
The central theme revolves around the superficiality of wealth and the genuine contentment found in simplicity. It critiques societal values that prioritize wealth and highlights the transient nature of material riches.
The poet uses simple and direct language, making the poem accessible and impactful. His straightforward diction effectively conveys the stark differences between wealth and poverty. The language used is simple, yet effective in conveying the poet’s message. The poet employs a conversational tone, making the poem accessible to a wide audience. 
The poem employs a reflective and conversational tone. The poet uses a narrative style, recounting personal experiences to draw broader conclusions about human nature and society. The poem is written In a lyrical style, with a consistent rhyme scheme and meter. This creates a sense of musicality by using the word, ‘o’, making the poem enjoyable to read aloud. The poem’s structure and rhyme scheme add to its musical quality, making it memorable and engaging.
The poet utilizes various poetic devices like contrast effectively, comparing his life with and without money. He also uses imagery, portraying vivid scenes of his contrasting lifestyles. The poem’s structure, with its regular rhyme scheme, reinforces its rhythmic and contemplative nature. The poet uses metaphors and repetition, repeating the phrase “money, money” to drive home the point. 
One notable feature is poet’s honest and unembellished expression of his views. The poem’s candidness about the poet's life experiences adds authenticity and emotional depth.
The message the poem conveys is that true happiness and genuine relationships are not dependent on wealth. It encourages readers to find value in simplicity and the intrinsic joys of life. The poem conveys a powerful message about the dangers of prioritizing wealth over other aspects of life. It encourages readers to re-evaluate their values and seek happiness in meaningful relationships and personal growth. 
The poem promotes values of simplicity, humility, and the importance of inner wealth over material possessions. The poem promotes values such as contentment and a focus on what truly matters in life. 
My opinion about the poem is that, "MONEY" is a poignant reminder of the superficiality of wealth and the deeper joys that lie in non-materialistic pursuits. Poet’s  straightforward yet profound reflection makes the poem both relatable and thought-provoking, resonating with readers who have experienced or observed the stark contrasts between wealth and poverty.
Overall, "Money" is a thought-provoking poem that challenges readers to rethink their priorities. The poet’s use of simple language and effective poetic devices makes the poem accessible and memorable. The poem's message is timeless, and its themes continue to resonate with readers today.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Critical Appreciation of 'Father Returning Home' by Dilip Chitre

The poem “Father Returning Home” by Dilip Chitre is a poignant and introspective piece that explores the complexities of family relationships and the condition of humans in the modern world.
The title "Father Returning Home" aptly captures the poem’s essence, focusing on the routine yet poignant journey of an aging father returning to his domestic life.
The poet Dilip Chitre, a prominent Indian poet, writer, and filmmaker, often explored themes of urban alienation and personal introspection. His work is known for its deep emotional resonance and social commentary.
The poem is a vivid portrayal of a father’s monotonous and isolated existence. It describes his daily commute back home, highlighting the sense of estrangement he feels both in the bustling city and within his own family.
The summary of the poem can be as follows. The poem depicts an old man returning home on a local train, symbolizing his weariness and solitude. He is surrounded by an indifferent crowd, which reflects his sense of disconnection. At home, he is equally isolated, engaging in mundane activities with no real interaction or affection from his family.
The poem describes the speaker’s father returning home from work, exhausted and worn out. The speaker reflects on the father’s struggles and sacrifices, and the emotional distance between them.
The central theme is alienation and the emotional isolation experienced by the middle aged working man in a fast-paced, impersonal urban environment. It also touches upon the generation gap and the lack of meaningful communication within families.
The poet uses simple and emotional language, combining vivid imagery with realistic descriptions. The language and choice of words reflect the mundane and mechanical routine of the father’s life. Poet’s language is simple and direct, yet evocative and powerful. He uses everyday routine to convey the father’s weariness and the speaker’s empathy. 
The poem is written in free verse, allowing for a natural flow that mirrors the father’s unremarkable journey. The style is introspective, enhancing the emotional depth of the subject matter. The poem's style has a focus on the speaker's inner thoughts and feelings.
The Poetic Devices used by the poet are, Imagery and symbolism. The poet uses powerful visual imagery, such as "suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes" to evoke the father’s disengagement. Symbolism is used with the use of train journey symbolising the father’s life, moving forward yet devoid of meaningful connection. The poet uses various figures of speech effectively like Metaphor and Alliteration
The Special Features of the poem are that the poem's use of everyday settings and relatable scenarios. They make its themes universally reasonable. The seamless blend of the personal and social commentary adds to its impact.
The message the poet highlights is the plight of the elders, urging readers to reflect on the emotional neglect faced by many. It’s a call to bridge the communication gap and foster empathy within families. The poem’s message is of empathy and understanding, encouraging readers to appreciate the struggles and sacrifices of their loved ones. The poem’s message is both universal and deeply personal. 
The Values the poem emphasizes empathy compassion, understanding, and the importance of nurturing relationships with the older generation and familial love. 
My Opinion about the poem is that, "Father Returning Home" is a poignant and thought-provoking poem. Poet’s masterful depiction of urban alienation and familial disconnect compels readers to introspect on their relationships and societal roles around them. It is a reminder of the human need for connection and the often overlooked emotional struggles of the elderly. It is a beautiful and relatable poem that captures the complexities of family relationships with sensitivity and nuance. Poet’s use of various poetic devices creates a vivid and intimate portrait of the speaker's father. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "Have You Earned Your Tomorrow" by Edgar Guest

The poem “Have You Earned Your Tomorrow” by Edgar Guest is a thought-provoking piece that encourages readers to reflect on their actions and their impact on the future. “Have You Earned Your Tomorrow” is a didactic poem that prompts self-reflection and encourages readers to lead lives of kindness and purpose.
The title "Have You Earned Your Tomorrow" immediately sets a reflective tone, urging readers to consider their actions and their impact on the future.
The poet, Edgar Guest, known as the "People's Poet," is celebrated for his simple, optimistic, and inspirational verse. His works often emphasize moral lessons and everyday virtues.
The poem can be summarized as a series of questions asked to the reader, challenging them to assess whether their actions today have been beneficial to others and whether they have lived up to their potential. It suggests that the promise of tomorrow is contingent upon how we conduct ourselves today. The poem asks the reader if they have earned their tomorrow, emphasizing that the future is not guaranteed and must be worked for. It highlights the importance of living in the present and making the most of it, as tomorrow is not promised.
The central theme is self-improvement and the importance of living a life that contributes positively to others. It underscores the idea that our actions today shape our future and the world around us. The theme of the poem is also the importance of living in the present and working towards a better future. It emphasizes that the future is not guaranteed and must be earned through hard work and determination.
Guest employs straightforward and accessible language, making the poem relatable and easy to understand. This simplicity enhances the universality of its message. The language is simple and accessible, making the poem easy to understand. Poet uses questions to engage the reader and encourage reflection.
The poem is written in the style of rhymed quatrains, a common form in Guest's poetry. The regular rhyme scheme and meter lend a rhythmic quality that reinforces its contemplative nature. The poem’s style is inspirational and motivational, with a focus on encouraging the reader to take action. It has a consistent rhyme scheme and meter, making it easy to follow.
The poet uses many poetic devices, mainly Interrogation in which he asks questions to engage the reader directly, creating a sense of introspection. The poem also features repetition, particularly of the phrase "have you," to emphasize self-assessment. Guest uses Interrogation to emphasize the importance of earning the future.
The poem's special features are its structure, with its repetitive questioning, it acts as a gentle but persistent prompt for introspection, making the reader consider their daily actions and their broader implications. The poem’s use of questions and its focus on the present and future make it a unique and thought-provoking piece.
The poem conveys a powerful message about the significance of everyday actions and the importance of living with intention and kindness. It reminds readers that every day is an opportunity to make a positive impact. The poem also gives a message that the future is not guaranteed and must be earned through hard work and good deeds. It encourages readers to live in the present and make the most of it.
The poem upholds values such as kindness, self-reflection, responsibility, living in the present and the pursuit of a meaningful life.
My opinion about the poem is that, "Have You Earned Your Tomorrow" is a poignant and thought-provoking piece. Its simplicity and directness make it accessible, while its message encourages a profound reflection on personal conduct and its effects on the future. Edgar Guest's ability to inspire through gentle moral guidance remains impactful, making this poem a timeless call to personal responsibility and kindness. It is a motivational and thought-provoking poem that encourages readers to reflect on their actions and their impact on the future. The poem's message and values are timeless and universal, making it a great read for anyone looking for inspiration and motivation.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Critical Appreciation of "Inchcape Rock" by Robert Southey

The poem “Inchcape Rock” by Robert Southey tells the story of a treacherous rock in the North Sea and the tragic fate of a man who destroys the bell saving the sailors.
The title "Inchcape Rock" refers to a perilous rock in the North Sea, which had a bell installed by a benevolent Abbot to warn sailors of danger. The title immediately hints at the central setting and the crux of the poem’s conflict.
Robert Southey (1774-1843) was an English poet of the Romantic school, known for his narrative poems and his engagement with social and moral themes.
The Poem, "Inchcape Rock" is a ballad, a narrative poem that tells the story of Sir Ralph the Rover, a pirate who removes the bell from the Inchcape Rock, only to perish later when his ship strikes the same rock in a storm.
The poem describes the Inchcape Rock, a hidden reef in the North Sea, and the story of a ship that is wrecked, and all on board are lost. The poem’s summary is that it narrates how the Abbot of Aberbrothok installed a bell on the Inchcape Rock to warn mariners of the dangerous reef. Sir Ralph the Rover, driven by jealousy and greed, removes the bell, thinking he will benefit from the misfortune of others. However, he meets his doom when his own ship crashes onto the unmarked rock one day, illustrating the moral that ill deeds ultimately lead to one’s own downfall.
The primary theme is the moral poetic justice for the evil deeds. The poem highlights how malicious actions, driven by greed or malice, inevitably lead to the perpetrator's own suffering.
Southey’s language is descriptive and vivid, painting a picture of the treacherous rock and the doomed ship. He uses nautical terminology to create a sense of authenticity, reflecting the maritime setting. Southey employs simple and direct language, making the poem accessible and powerful.
The poem is written in a traditional ballad form style with a regular rhyme scheme (ABAB) and rhythmic meter, enhancing its musical quality and making it memorable. Southey’s style is narrative and cautionary, telling a story to convey a moral message.
Southey uses various poetic devices including imagery (vivid descriptions of the sea and the rock), personification (the "mirthful sound" of the bell), and irony (Sir Ralph’s ultimate fate). He also uses repetition to emphasize the warning and the consequences of ignoring it. Southey also uses metaphor and personification to describe the rock and the sea.
The poem's special features are its narrative drive, combined with its moral lesson which sets it apart. The use of a historical maritime legend adds a timeless quality to the poem. The poem's use of nautical terminology and its focus on the dangers of the sea add a layer of authenticity and realism. 
The poem’s moral message is also a special feature of Southey’s poetry.
"Inchcape Rock" conveys a strong moral message: those who commit wrongdoings out of selfish motives will eventually face the consequences of their actions.
The poem underscores values such as integrity, foresight, and the inevitability of justice.
My opinion on this poem is that, "Inchcape Rock" is a compelling and thought-provoking poem. Its straightforward narrative, combined with a potent moral lesson, makes it resonate with readers. Southey’s skillful use of poetic devices and vivid imagery enhances the impact, leaving a lasting impression about the inevitable nature of moral justice.
Southey's use of language and imagery creates a vivid picture of the treacherous rock and the doomed ship, and his moral message is timeless and universal. The poem's focus on the dangers of the sea and the importance of respecting wisdom and experience makes it a classic of English poetry.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Critical Appreciation of “Indian Weavers” by Sarojini Naidu

The poem "Indian Weavers" by Sarojini Naidu is a short, lyrical poem that captures the essence of life through the metaphor of weaving. It is also a beautiful tribute to the skill and artistry of Indian weavers. The poem explores the intricate process of weaving and the beauty of the finished product, while also highlighting the struggles and hardships faced by the weavers.
The title “Indian Weavers” is a straightforward reference to the traditional craft and the artisans who engage in it, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of their work and its symbolic meanings.
Sarojini Naidu, known as the “Nightingale of India,” was a prominent Indian independence activist and poet. Her works often reflect the rich cultural heritage of India and a deep empathy for its people.
The poem can be summarized as the description of the process of weaving, from the selection of threads to the final product. The poem also touches on the struggles of the weavers, who work tirelessly to create beautiful fabrics that are often undervalued.
The poem is structured into three stanzas, each depicting a different time of day and corresponding life stages: morning (birth), evening (marriage), and night (death). The weavers weave different types of garments for each occasion, symbolizing the different phases of human life.
The central theme is the cycle of life. The poem eloquently conveys how human experiences—from birth to death—are intricately woven into the fabric of life, much like the garments created by the weavers. Another theme of the poem is also the beauty and value of traditional Indian crafts, particularly weaving.
Naidu's language is lyrical and descriptive, with a focus on the sensory details of the weaving process. She uses vivid imagery and metaphor to describe the threads, looms, and finished fabrics. Naidu uses simple yet evocative language. The poem’s lyrical quality and musicality enhance its emotional depth. The use of repetition (“Weavers, weaving at break of day…”) gives the poem a rhythmic and cyclical feel, mirroring the continuity of life.
Naidu's style is characterized by her use of traditional Indian imagery and symbolism, as well as her focus on the struggles of the working class. Her use of repetition and rhyme creates a sense of musicality and flow.
The poet effectively uses many poetic devices like imagery, metaphor, and personification to describe the weaving process and the finished fabrics. She also uses alliteration to create a musical quality. The different garments (robes of a new-born, marriage veils, funeral shrouds) serve as metaphors for life’s significant events. Alliteration and repetition are also prominent, adding to the poem’s musicality.
Special features of the poem are its use of traditional Indian imagery and symbolism, such as the use of the loom adds a layer of cultural depth and significance. The poem's focus on the struggles of the weavers also highlights the importance of valuing and supporting traditional crafts. The poem’s structure—three stanzas corresponding to different times of day and stages of life—creates a powerful, cyclical narrative.
“Indian Weavers” imparts a profound message about the inevitability and beauty of life’s stages. It celebrates the artistry of the weavers while also reflecting on the universal human experiences of birth, marriage, and death. The poem's message is also one of appreciation and valuing traditional Indian crafts, particularly weaving. It also highlights the importance of supporting and valuing the artisans who create these beautiful fabrics.
The poem shares values like the importance of tradition, culture, and the struggles of the working class.
My opinion about the poem, "Indian Weavers" is that it is a beautiful poem that celebrates the artistry and skill of Indian weavers. Naidu's use of language and imagery creates a vivid picture of the weaving process, and her focus on the struggles of the weavers adds a layer of depth and significance.
“Indian Weavers” is a beautifully crafted poem that resonates with simplicity and depth. Sarojini Naidu’s ability to weave together the mundane and the profound through vivid imagery and rhythmic language makes this poem a timeless reflection on life’s journey. The poem’s message of appreciation and valuing traditional crafts is timeless and universal, making it a classic of Indian poetry.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Critical Appreciation of the poem “Song of the Open Road” by Walt Whitman

The poem “Song of the Open Road” by the famous American poet, Walt Whitman is a celebration of the freedom and joy of traveling on the open road. The poem is part of Whitman’s collection “Leaves of Grass.” It is an optimistic and reflective piece, emphasizing the joy of embracing life’s journey. Walt Whitman is known for his free verse style and themes celebrating individuality, nature, and democracy. The poet invites the reader to join him on a journey, exploring the beauty of nature and the thrill of discovery. The title “Song of the Open Road” evokes a sense of freedom, adventure, and the call of the journey. It suggests a celebration of life’s possibilities encountered through travel. 
The poem can be summarised as an invitation to embark on a journey, to leave behind the constraints of daily life and explore the world. The speaker describes the open road as a symbol of freedom and adventure, where one can discover new experiences and connect with nature. The poem depicts a speaker who sets out on the open road, feeling a deep connection with nature and humanity. He encourages readers to break free from societal constraints and embrace the freedom of the open road, where every path offers new experiences and insights.
The theme of the poem is the joy of traveling and exploring the world. Whitman celebrates the freedom and adventure that comes with hitting the open road, and the connections one makes with nature and others along the way. The central themes include freedom, self-discovery, and the democratic spirit. Whitman glorifies the idea of life as a journey, where each person has the power to chart their own course and connect with others. 
Poem's language is characteristic of his free verse style, with a focus on natural rhythms and cadences. He uses simple, direct language to convey a sense of excitement and wonder. Whitman uses simple yet profound language, marked by its conversational tone and use of everyday speech. This accessibility invites readers from all walks of life to join in his celebration of the journey. 
Poet's style is characterized by his use of free verse, reflecting poet's break from traditional poetic forms. This style mirrors the poem’s themes of freedom and individuality. It gives the poem a sense of spontaneity and freedom. 
The poet uses imagery and metaphor to describe the open road and the experiences it offers. He also uses repetition and rhyme to create a sense of musicality, flow and emphasis. Imagery of the road, nature, and human connections enriches the poem’s texture.
The poet’s use of parenthesis in the form of use of bracket to give additional information is one of the most important special feature of the poem. The poem’s focus on the open road as a symbol of freedom and adventure is also a special feature of Whitman’s poetry. Poem's positive spirit pervades the poem, emphasizing unity and equality. 
The poem’s message is of freedom and adventure, encouraging the reader to explore the world and connect with nature and others. The poem’s message of freedom is timeless and universal, making it a classic of American poetry. The message is clear: life is a journey meant to be lived fully and freely. Embrace the open road, welcome diversity, and pursue personal growth and happiness.
The values conveyed in the poem are freedom, adventure, self-reliance and connection with nature and others
My opinion about the poem “Song of the Open Road” is that it is a beautiful and inspiring poem that captures the thrill of traveling and exploring the world. Poet's use of language and imagery creates a sense of excitement and wonder, and his focus on the open road as a symbol of freedom and adventure is a powerful and enduring image. “Song of the Open Road” is a timeless and inspiring piece. Its celebration of freedom and self-discovery resonates deeply, encouraging readers to embrace life’s journey with open hearts and minds.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Questions and Topics for Writing Skills

Question for report writing
Q. Write the report of the – function celebrated in your college. Use following points for reference.
• Venue and time of the ceremony
• Chief Guest
• Inauguration Ceremony
• Activities
• Conclusion
Topics for Report Writing 
• Independence day
• Republic day
• Annual day
• Students’ week
• Intercollegiate Festival
• Creative Writing workshop
• Painting and Drawing workshops
• Dance competition
• Singing competition
• Quiz competition
• Visit to a nature park
• Visit to a factory
• Speech by a guest speaker
Topics for speech
• Need for democracy
• Features of the constitution of India
• Freedom of speech
• Qualities of an ideal politician
• Equality before law
• Importance of casting our vote
• Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality
• Role of youth in creating social awareness
• Duties of an ideal citizen
• Merits of democracy
• Advantages of education
• Equality: a blessing
• Unity in diversity
• Agriculture, the primary occupation in India
• Cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature
• Ways to conserve nature
• Importance of Sports
• Increasing use of mobile phones
• Science and superstitions
• Courtesy is the light of life
• Importance of soft skills in today’s life
Topics for group discussion
• Need for democracy
• Features of the constitution of India
• Freedom of speech
• Dictatorship vs democracy
• Qualities of an ideal politician
• Equality before law
• Importance of casting our vote
• Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality
• Role of youth in creating social awareness
• Duties of an ideal citizen
• Merits of democracy
• Advantages of education
• Equality: a blessing
• Importance of mental health
• Cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature
• Ways to conserve nature
• Is sports as a subject essential at junior college level?
• Should ‘Earn and Learn’ concept be made compulsory for students after 12th std.?
• Social media: a course or a boon?
• Women empowerment and equality
• Climate change
• Welfare of the senior citizens
• Importance of rivers
• Balanced progress without harming the Nature
• Teenagers are too much inclined towards junk food
• Importance of hobbies
• Role of ICT in education
• Clean India: the action plan
• To raise funds from college students to help a classmate’s education
• Strategy to win a match in Intercollegiate sports competition
Topics for appeal/ flyer/ leaflet
• Say no to junk food
• Importance of casting our vote
• Youth creating social awareness
• Importance of mental health
• Save nature
• Play sports for healthy body and mind
• Yoga class
• Summer hobby class
• Book club
• Nature club
• Tree plantation drive
• Cleanliness drive
• Eradicate child labour
• Awareness to end addiction of any substance like alcohol /tobacco or drugs
• Conservation of wildlife
• Using handloom products in daily life
Topics for blog
• Organic Farming
• Importance of mental health
• Earth with no trees
• Man vs nature
• Say no to tobacco
• Child labour: A course to humanity
• Personality development
• Social dynamics
• Health and fitness
• Need for the effective communication skills
• Self-defence: the most important
• Conservation of wild animals and their habitat
• Man is free by birth
Topics for expansion of an idea
• Birds of the same feather flock together
• The best punishment is forgiveness
• Make hay while the sun shines
• Love thy neighbour as thyself
• Tit for tat
• Reap as you sow
• Travel broadens the mind
• A bad workman blames his tools
• One should eat to live, not live to eat – Franklin
• If winter comes, can spring be far behind? – Shelley
• Beauty is truth, truth is beauty – Keats
• Feels rush in where angels fear to trade – Alexander Pope
• Actions speak louder than words
• The face is the index of the mind
• Speech is silver and silence is golden
• Argument is the worst kind of communication
• Attitudes are the real figures of speech
• The wise man has long ears and a short tongue
• Manners maketh man
• Nature is a great teacher and a guide
• Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them
• All roads lead to Rome
• A man without liberty is a body without soul
• Pride goes before a fall
• Time and tide wait for none
• Man proposes, God disposes
• Look before you leap
• A thing if beauty is a joy forever
• A friend in need is a friend indeed
• A stich at the time saves nine
• Where is a will there is a way
• Old is gold
• Honesty is the best policy
Questions for email writing
• Write an email to an online shopping platform selling customised gift articles and printed items. Place an order for 20 t-shirts with the logo of your college association and the office bearer’s name in it. Discuss the other important details as well.
• Write an email to a celebrity from any field, requesting him/her to be the judge of your college association event. Discuss the other important details as well.
• Write an email to the well known personality who was the guest speaker of the college event you had organised. Add the necessary details.
• Write an email to your friend, asking her /him about the online coaching platform she/he is using and request for the feedback and suggestions about what should you select for your studies.
• Write an email to your college, informing the college about the technical issues you were facing during your online lecturers due to which you had inadequate attendance during the term.
• Write an email to an insurance company, requesting them to change your payment mode from monthly to yearly with auto payment option. Give necessary details.
• Write an email your college authority requesting them to give you the recommendation letter which is required for the university admission you are seeking.
• Write an email to your college authority requesting them to give you the bona-fide certificate you need to avail extra students’ discount on the purchase of a laptop.
• Write an email to your friend, requesting her/him to send you all the notes of any subject. You can mention the reason you don’t have them in your system.
• Write an email to the principal of your college asking him /her the permission to arrange a students’ trek as the activity organised by the Nature Club of the college. Add the necessary details.
• Write an email to the principal of your college requesting him /her to issue a duplicate Identity Card for you as you have lost your identity card and need it for participating in an Intercollegiate event.
• Write an email to your friends sharing the details of the road trip you all have planned and you are organising it. Share the details of mode of transport, stay and various places you are going to cover in the journey. Add the necessary information.
Questions for interviewing a personality from the field of
• Agriculture
• Pharmacy
• Police
• Defence
• Acting
• Singing
• Movie direction
• Script writing
• Lyricist
• Cinematography
• Photography
• Music
• Writing
• Business
• Sports
• Event management
• Start up
• Social Work
• Science and research
• Anthropology
• Politics
• Education
• Banking
• Building and construction
• Medical services and health care
• Engineering
• Media

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Study Plan for scoring well in the HSC Board Examination February 2025

Like every task, starting early and working continuously is the key to success even in your Board Examination, especially here I'm talking about English subject. Following is my advice to score good marks in English in the HSC Board Examination.
In English you have 20 marks for orals and 80 marks for the written exam. Here in today's post I'm going to discuss the written exam. 
Follow the given instructions to get the maximum possible marks. 
1. Read the complete textbook as many times as possible. Read it at least twice from May to December. (you can skip section 3 if you don't have much time but read the other 3 sections sincerely.) 
2. In the first reading, read the questions of each chapter / poem / novel first and then read the content. 
3. Underline each new word while reading and note down the meaning on the textbook during the first reading
4. Write the answers of the activities on the textbook if space is provided. Mark the answer related sentences with brackets on the textbook during the first reading. 
5. Keep reading the marked textbook as many times as possible and focus more on the marked content in the next readings. 
6. Read all the available past board question papers of English subject. 
7. For studying the Prose Section,
a. Read all the prose chapters carefully.
b. Mark the answers of all the questions given in the textbook. 
c. Solve all the possible questions on prose section. Use the textbook questions and past board papers for practice.  
8. For Grammar
a. Read the information and solve the exercises given in the textbook. 
b. Go through the grammar portion for the board exam. (mentioned in another blog post) 
c. If you don't understand any topic/ concept or you are not confident about it, read the theory notes given in another posts of the same blog topicwise. 
d. Solve as many as possible textual and non-textual grammar exercises of all the topics covered in the portion. Drill or practice work is very important in grammar. 
9. For studying the Poetry Section
a. Read all the poems carefully. 
b. Write the names of the figures of speech against the lines if any. 
c. Mark the answers of all the questions given in the textbook. 
d. Frame 4 lines of your on the main theme of the poem and write them down on the textbook or in a notebook especially made for English. 
e. Read all the material /notes available on the poem and write a critical appreciation of the poem on your own. It should be in paragraph form, covering all the expected points Underline the key words of the appreciation. Keep reading theses appreciations as many times as possible. Remember the names of the poets and other major details. 
f. Solve all the possible questions on the poetry section. Use the textbook questions and past board papers for practice. 
10. For Writing Skills,
a. Read the question paper format and decide your sequence of priorities for the writing skills. 
b. Decide the first priority skill as per your comfort and strengths, in each sub question. 
c. Using the past board question papers, solve as many as possible skills of all your first preference and compulsory skills.
d. Get teacher's feedback on the solved skills and keep improving till you get the best possible marks in each skill.
e. Solve at least one question of each skill given in the portion for practice.  
f. Pay attention to the format and presentation of each writing skill.
11. For Novel Section,
a. Read the first chapter, History of Novel sincerely as many times as possible. 
b. Read the compact notes (shared as another blog post) of the first chapter again and again. Try to learn all the factual information. 
c. Solve the objective questions covered in the past board papers and be mentally prepared to solve such objective questions based on the details given in the first chapter. 
d. Read all the information i. e. the chapters of the novel and the background information about the novel covered in the textbook .
e. Read the questions on the novel section from the textbook and past board papers and try to solve them. 
f. Read the questions and ready answers of the 3 novels from the available notes
g. Read the notes, giving gist of each novel. 
h. Prepare yourself to write more than half a page descriptive answer based on the novel.
You can score 96/100 in English in the HSC Board Examination if you start preparing early and keep studying throughout the year. Paying attention in class helps a lot in remembering the necessary details and saving overall study time so pay attention in class while the portion is being taught. 
All the best. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Types of Sentences: (Simple, Compound, Complex) Exercises for practice

Q. Do as directed. 

1. When I go to school, I study heard. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
2. They have fun playing soccer. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
3. While they are on vacation, they visit famous monuments. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
4. We go to concerts, and we enjoy the music. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
5. I read books which help me learn new things. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
6. He watches TV to relax his mind. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
7. When she has a problem, she asks me for help. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
8. They went to the beach but they could not swim in the ocean. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
9. We go to the movies to enjoy ourselves. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
10. Whenever they have free time, they go to watch movies. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
11. While they play video games, they compete with each other. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
12. I feel proud that I regularly do my homework. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
13. I study hard and I want to get good grades. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
14. She speaks French fluently, and understands Spanish perfectly. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
15. She listens to music and she sings along. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
16. She cooks dinner, and she makes it delicious. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
17. He works out every morning, and feels energized throughout the day. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
18. When they go to the beach, they swim in the ocean. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
19. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
20. They live in a small town as they love its quiet atmosphere. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
21. They travel to new places every year to explore different cultures. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
22. We visit our grandparents and listen to their interesting stories. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
23. As they travel, they meet new people. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
24. As they study hard for their exams, they feel confident about their preparation. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
25. I go to the gym to work out and I want to stay fit. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
26. He plays soccer well but he couldn’t score goals in that match. (Rewrite it as a complex sentence.)
27. As I want to improve my skills, I practice piano every day. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
28. As I learn new languages, I understand different cultures better. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)
29. When he finishes his project, he feels a sense of accomplishment and pride. (Rewrite it as a simple sentence.)
30. As they are curious, they ask questions and seek answers. (Rewrite it as a compound sentence.)

Answer key:
1. I go to school, and I study hard.
2. They play soccer and they have fun.
3. They visit famous monuments during their vaccination.
4. When we go to concerts, we enjoy the music.
5. I read books and they help me learn new things.
6. He watches TV and it relaxes his mind.
7. In case of having a problem, she asks me for help.
8. Though they went to the beach, they could not swim in the ocean.
9. We go to the movies and we enjoy ourselves.
10. They go to watch movies in their free time.
11. They play video games and they compete with each other.
12. I do my homework regularly and I feel proud about it.
13. I study hard because I want to get good grades.
14. She speaks French fluently along with understanding Spanish perfectly.
15. She sings along while she is listening to music.
16. She cooks delicious dinner.
17. He feels energized throughout the day because he works out every morning.
18. They go to the beach and they swim in the ocean.
19. The sun rises in the east, setting in the west.
20. They live in a small town, and love its quiet atmosphere.
21. They travel to new places every year, and explore different cultures.
22. When we visit our grandparents, we listen to their interesting stories.
23. They meet new people during their travel.
24. They study hard for their exams and feel confident about their preparation.
25. As I want to stay fit, I go to the gym to work out.
26. Though he plays soccer well, he couldn’t score goals in that match.
27. I practice piano every day to improve my skills.
28. I learn new languages and understand different cultures better.
29. He feels a sense of accomplishment and pride after finishing his project.
30. They ask questions and seek answers out of their curiosity.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Tenses: Exercises for Practice

Q. I Do as directed. 

1. I write letters to my friends. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
2. She teaches English at school. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past.) 
3. They play soccer every weekend. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
4. I visited my grandparents. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.)
5. I study for three hours every day. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.) 
6. She works as a doctor. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.) 
7. They attend the conference every year. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.) 
8. I went to Paris many times. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense.)  
9. She had breakfast at 8 am. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense.) 
10. They finished their project last month. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense.)  
11. I have studied English for three years. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
12. She has worked on this project since January. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
13. They have lived in this city for five years. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.) 
14. I will travel to Japan next year.  (Rewrite the sentence in Present Continuous tense.) 
15. She will graduate from the university in 2025. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Continuous tense.)  
16. I will study English for three years by the time I finish my course.  (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
17. They will launch their new product. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
18. I am studying for my exam. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.)  
19. She is working on a new project. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.) 
20. I am writing a letter to my friend. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
21. They are building a new house. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
22. I have studied English for three years. (Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense.) 
23. I have finished my homework. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)
24. They have moved into a new house. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.)  
25. She has been working on her project since January. (Rewrite the sentence in present perfect tense.)  
26. I have been living in this city for two years. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
27. I had finished my homework before I went to bed. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect Continuous tense.) 
28. She had completed her project before she went on vacation. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect Continuous tense.) 
29. I had gone to watch a movie last night. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
30. They had moved to a new house in 2022. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple Past tense.) 
31. I had been studying for three hours before taking a break. (Rewrite the sentence in Past Perfect tense.) 
32. She had been working on her project for two months before she finished it. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect tense.) 
33. I had been living in Paris for five years before I moved to London.  (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect tense.) 
34. They had been building their new house for a year before they moved there. (Rewrite the sentence by changing the underlined verb into Past Perfect tense.) 
35. I will have shifted to a new house by next month. (Rewrite the sentence in Simple future tense.)  

Answer key 
1. I wrote letters to my friends.
2. She taught English at school.
3. They played soccer every weekend.
4.  I will visit my grandparents. 
5. I will study for three hours every day.
6. She will work as a doctor.
7. They will attend the conference every year.
8. I have gone to Paris many times.
9. She has had breakfast at 8 am.
10. They have finished their project last month.
11. I have been studying English for three years. 
12. She has been working on this project since January.
13. They have been living in this city for five years.
14. I am traveling to Japan next year.
15. She is graduating from the university in 2025.
16. I have been studying English for three years.
17. They have been launching their new product.
18. I have been studying for my exam.
19. She has been working on a new project.
20. I wrote a letter to my friend.
21. They built a new house.
22. I have been studying English for three years.
23. I finished my homework. 
24. They moved into a new house.
25. She has worked on her project since January.
26. I lived in this city for two years.
27. I had been finishing my homework before I went to bed. 
28. She had been completing her project before she went on vacation.
29. I went to watch a movie last night.
30. They moved to a new house in 2022.
31. I had studied for three hours before taking a break.
32. She had worked on her project for two months before she finished it.
33. I had lived in Paris for five years before I moved to London.
34. They had built their new house in a year before they moved there.
35. I will shift to a new house by next month.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Active - Passive Voice: Exercises for practice

Q. Change the voice.

1. The manager writes the report. 
2. The chef cooks the meal. 
3. The teacher teaches the lesson. 
4. The company launches the new product. 
5. The artist paints the portrait. 
6. The play is directed by Sarah. 
7. The package was delivered by the courier company.  
8. The research is conducted by a team of scientists. 
9. The award is presented to the winner. 
10. The music is composed by Ajay-Atul. 
11. The marketing team is developing a new advertising campaign. 
12. The professor has been teaching this course for five years. 
13. The company will launch a new product next quarter. 
14. The researchers have conducted extensive experiments on the new material. 
15. The manager had assigned the project to the team. 
16. The new policy has been implemented by the administration. 
17. The play was written by Shakespeare over 400 years ago. 
18. The package had been delivered to the wrong address. 
19. The research findings are being analyzed by a team of experts. 
20. The award was presented to the winner by the CEO. 
21. The company's sales team has been consistently exceeding their quarterly targets. 
22. The new employee is being trained by the HR department. 
23. The scientists have been studying the effects of climate change for decades. 
24. The marketing department is responsible for launching the new product. 
25. The teacher had given the students a lot of homework. 
26. The new software is being used by several companies. 
27. The play had been performed in front of a packed audience. 
28. The package was delivered to him by mistake. 
29. The research paper is being reviewed by a panel of experts. 
30. The award was presented to the winner by the jury. 

Answer key 
1. The report is written by the manager.
2. The meal is cooked by the chef.
3. The lesson is taught by the teacher.
4. The new product is launched by the company.
5. The portrait is painted by the artist.
6. Sarah directs the play.
7. The courier company delivered the package.
8. A team of scientists conducts the research.
9. Someone presents the award to the winner.
10. Ajay-Atul compose the music.
11. A new advertising campaign is being developed by the marketing team.
12. This course has been taught by the professor for five years.
13. A new product will be launched by the company next quarter.
14. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the new material by the researchers.
15. The project had been assigned to the team by the manager.
16. The administration has implemented the new policy.
17. Shakespeare wrote the play over 400 years ago.
18. Someone had delivered the package to the wrong address.
19. A team of experts is analyzing the research findings.
20. The CEO presented the award to the winner.
21. The company’s quarterly targets have been consistently exceeded by the sales team.
22. The HR department is training the new employee.
23. The effects of climate change have been studied by the scientists for decades.
24. The new product is being launched by the marketing department.
25. A lot of homework had been given to the students by the teacher.
26. Several companies are using the new software.
27. The actors had performed the play in front of a packed audience.
28. They had delivered the package to him by mistake.
29. A panel of experts is reviewing the research paper.
30. The jury presented the award to the winner.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Questions and Topics for Writing Skills

Question and topics for report writing

Q. Write the report of the – function celebrated in your college. Use following points for reference.
• Venue and time of the ceremony
• Chief Guest
• Inauguration Ceremony
• Activities
• Conclusion

• Independence day
• Republic day
• Annual day
• Students’ week
• Intercollegiate Festival
• Creative Writing workshop
• Painting and Drawing workshops
• Dance competition
• Singing competition
• Quiz competition
• Visit to a nature park
• Visit to a factory
• Speech by a guest speaker 

#Topics for speech
• Need for democracy
• Features of the constitution of India
• Freedom of speech
• Qualities of an ideal politician
• Equality before law
• Importance of casting our vote
• Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality
• Role of youth in creating social awareness
• Duties of an ideal citizen
• Merits of democracy
• Advantages of education
• Equality: a blessing
• Unity in diversity
• Agriculture, the primary occupation in India
• Cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature
• Ways to conserve nature
• Importance of Sports
• Increasing use of mobile phones
• Science and superstitions
• Courtesy is the light of life
• Importance of soft skills in today’s life

#Topics for group discussion
• Need for democracy
• Features of the constitution of India
• Freedom of speech
• Dictatorship vs democracy
• Qualities of an ideal politician
• Equality before law
• Importance of casting our vote
• Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality
• Role of youth in creating social awareness
• Duties of an ideal citizen
• Merits of democracy
• Advantages of education
• Equality: a blessing
• Importance of mental health
• Cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature
• Ways to conserve nature
• Is sports as a subject essential at junior college level?
• Should ‘Earn and Learn’ concept be made compulsory for students after 12th std.?
• Social media: a course or a boon?
• Women empowerment and equality
• Climate change
• Welfare of the senior citizens
• Importance of rivers
• Balanced progress without harming the Nature
• Teenagers are too much inclined towards junk food
• Importance of hobbies
• Role of ICT in education
• Clean India: the action plan
• To raise funds from college students to help a classmate’s education
• Strategy to win a match in Intercollegiate sports competition

#Topics for appeal/ flyer/ leaflet
• Say no to junk food
• Importance of casting our vote
• Youth creating social awareness
• Importance of mental health
• Save nature
• Play sports for healthy body and mind
• Yoga class
• Summer hobby class
• Book club
• Nature club
• Tree plantation drive
• Cleanliness drive
• Eradicate child labour
• Awareness to end addiction of any substance like alcohol /tobacco or drugs
• Conservation of wildlife
• Using handloom products in daily life
Topics for blog
• Organic Farming
• Importance of mental health
• Earth with no trees
• Man vs nature
• Say no to tobacco
• Child labour: A course to humanity
• Personality development
• Social dynamics
• Health and fitness
• Need for the effective communication skills
• Self-defence: the most important
• Conservation of wild animals and their habitat
• Man is free by birth

#Topics for expansion of an idea
• Birds of the same feather flock together
• The best punishment is forgiveness
• Make hay while the sun shines
• Love thy neighbour as thyself
• Tit for tat
• Reap as you sow
• Travel broadens the mind
• A bad workman blames his tools
• One should eat to live, not live to eat – Franklin
• If winter comes, can spring be far behind? – Shelley
• Beauty is truth, truth is beauty – Keats
• Feels rush in where angels fear to trade – Alexander Pope
• Actions speak louder than words
• The face is the index of the mind
• Speech is silver and silence is golden
• Argument is the worst kind of communication
• Attitudes are the real figures of speech
• The wise man has long ears and a short tongue
• Manners maketh man
• Nature is a great teacher and a guide
• Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them
• All roads lead to Rome
• A man without liberty is a body without soul
• Pride goes before a fall
• Time and tide wait for none
• Man proposes, God disposes
• Look before you leap
• A thing if beauty is a joy forever
• A friend in need is a friend indeed
• A stich at the time saves nine
• Where is a will there is a way
• Old is gold
• Honesty is the best policy

#Questions for email writing
• Write an email to an online shopping platform selling customised gift articles and printed items. Place an order for 20 t-shirts with the logo of your college association and the office bearer’s name in it. Discuss the other important details as well.
• Write an email to a celebrity from any field, requesting him/her to be the judge of your college association event. Discuss the other important details as well.
• Write an email to the well known personality who was the guest speaker of the college event you had organised. Add the necessary details.
• Write an email to your friend, asking her /him about the online coaching platform she/he is using and request for the feedback and suggestions about what should you select for your studies.
• Write an email to your college, informing the college about the technical issues you were facing during your online lecturers due to which you had inadequate attendance during the term.
• Write an email to an insurance company, requesting them to change your payment mode from monthly to yearly with auto payment option. Give necessary details.
• Write an email your college authority requesting them to give you the recommendation letter which is required for the university admission you are seeking.
• Write an email to your college authority requesting them to give you the bona-fide certificate you need to avail extra students’ discount on the purchase of a laptop.
• Write an email to your friend, requesting her/him to send you all the notes of any subject. You can mention the reason you don’t have them in your system.
• Write an email to the principal of your college asking him /her the permission to arrange a students’ trek as the activity organised by the Nature Club of the college. Add the necessary details.
• Write an email to the principal of your college requesting him /her to issue a duplicate Identity Card for you as you have lost your identity card and need it for participating in an Intercollegiate event.
• Write an email to your friends sharing the details of the road trip you all have planned and you are organising it. Share the details of mode of transport, stay and various places you are going to cover in the journey. Add the necessary information.

#Questions for interviewing a personality from the field of
• Agriculture
• Pharmacy
• Police
• Defence
• Acting
• Singing
• Movie direction
• Script writing
• Lyricist
• Cinematography
• Photography
• Music
• Writing
• Business
• Sports
• Event management
• Start up
• Social Work
• Science and research
• Anthropology
• Politics
• Education
• Banking
• Building and construction
• Medical services and health care
• Engineering
• Media

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...