Thursday, February 8, 2024


Use semi-formal language  
Write the draft for an interactive and lively speech. 
Use quotations, questions with brief answers, rhetorical questions, question tags, exclamations wherever possible. Start the speech with a question, a striking statement or a quote if possible.  
Make sure the speech is interesting. Use examples in the form of quotations (lines of poems, prose, proverbs etc.) narration of any incident, anecdotes, stories, jokes etc.  
Give an introduction in the first paragraph. Greet the audience. Mention the topic of the speech, the occasion or purpose of the speech, introduce yourself, your role. Use an impressive quote, lines of poetry, some interesting piece of information or some question making the audience think and respond briefly. 
Discuss the different aspects (related points) of the given topic in 2-3 paragraphs of the content.  
Give the main statement, highlights of the speech, final message in the conclusion at the end. 
Thank the audience at the end of the speech and end the speech appropriately.  
Example of Speech 
Q. The increasing amount of time spent playing indoor games has been a major cause of decreasing the outdoor appearance of children. With this concern, write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered on the Mental health day celebrated in your college. 

How many of you play outdoor games regularly? Ok and how many of you play mobile games regularly? Actually it is a known fact that we all are spending most of our free time indoor and preferably online playing mobile games. 
Respected Principal Sir, honourable teachers and dear friends, I am Narendra of Class Xl-A. A very good morning to all. Today I want to share my views on the topic ‘Indoor games vs. Outdoor games’. 
Modern gadgets like computers, gaming consoles, video games and mobile phones have made us crazy as well as lazy. In our spare time, we can be either seen surfing the internet or sending SMS on mobile phones. We have forgotten hide and seek, cricket and football, all of which make us physically active and alert.
Which activities utilizer all our physical and mental abilities? Definitely outdoor activities, right? Outdoor games strengthen our physique and help us to remain healthy. When we play outdoor games we grow enthusiastic, we agree and disagree and fight. We make more friends, which broadens our social circle. On the other hand, when we play alone on computers, we are damaging our eyes, polluting our minds and turning into couch potatoes which is not good for our health. 
Outdoor games inculcate values like team work, coherency and zest for living in us. On the other hand, playing indoor games only makes us isolated and self-centred. Considering all these, it can be said that while outdoor games carry joys in their basket, indoor games do not in any way. As they say, ‘All the work and no play make Jack a dull boy.’
So, do you agree that we should adopt outdoor games and come out to play them more often. Let’s play the real games which help us grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Go for it guys. 
Thank you.

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...