Sunday, January 21, 2024

Degrees of Comparison

There are three degrees of comparison in English 
1. Positive 2. Comparative 3. Superlative 
They indicate the level of the adjective in comparison to others. 
Meaning and tense should be retained in the conversions. 
Exercises for practice: 
(Change the degree) 
1. No other city in the world is as vibrant as Mumbai. 
2. Mona is the most popular girl in college. 
3. Amitabh is the fittest man among the men of his age. 
4. Roshani is not as caring as her elder sister. 
5. They are better than their competitors. 
6. Most of the kids are not as disciplined as Raju. 
7. This is the most attractive offer of the year. 
8. This year the prices are not as low as last year. 
9. My school days were one of the best days of my life. 
10. My parents are the most liberal parents in the world. 
11. This place is not as amazing as the places I have seen so far. 
12. Ronak is better than any other employees in the office.
1. Mumbai is the most vibrant city in the world. /Mumbai is more vibrant than any other city in the world. 
2. No other girl in college is as popular as Mona. /Mona is more popular than any other girl in the college. 
3. No other man of his age is as fit as Amitabh. /Amitabh is fitter than any other man of his age. 
4. Roshani’s elder sister is more caring than her. 
5. Their competitors are not as good as they are. 
6. Raju is more disciplined than most of the kids. /Raju is one of the most disciplined kids. 
7. No other offer of the year is as attractive as this offer. /This offer is more attractive than any other offer of the year. 
8. Last year the prices were lower than this year. 
9. Only a few other days of my life are /were as good as my school days. Not many days of my life were/ are better than my school days. 
10. No other parents in the world are as liberal as my parents. /My parents are more liberal than any other parents in the world. 
11. The places I have seen so far are more amazing than this place. 
12. No other employee in the office is as good as Ronak. /Ronak is the best employee in the office. 

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...