Sunday, January 21, 2024

Question Tag

A question tag is a small question that is attached or ‘tagged’ to the end of a sentence.
Question tags are most often used in spoken language to confirm something that is said and also to encourage the listener to give an answer. A question tag is added to a sentence to seek confirmation of the statement.
In the added part, the helping verb or the auxiliary verb used in the sentence is used in the tag. If the statement is positive or affirmative, the question tag should be negative, and if the statement is negative, the question tag used should be positive. If a pronoun is used as the subject, use the same pronoun in the question tag. If a noun or a noun phrase is the subject in the statement, use a pronoun based on the gender/number in the question tag.
• You are happy, aren’t you?
• You aren’t happy, are you?
• They were waiting for her, weren’t they?
• The students should accompany their parents for the meeting, shouldn’t they?
• You have a pair of shoes, don’t you?
• He teaches Chemistry, doesn’t he?
• Harry and Ron played tennis, didn’t they?
Add a question tag to the following sentences and rewrite them.
1. Sunaina is our new leader.
2. They have confirmed the information.
3. Arun and Varun are on their way to the airport.
4. Her father is a doctor.
5. The baby elephant that fell into the well was rescued by the locals.
6. Arranging transport and accommodation for the guests had been their first priority.
7. You like cookies.
8. Bring me some tissue papers.
9. They bought a new LED television.
10. You have been looking for an apartment.
1. Sunaina is our new leader, isn’t she?
2. They have confirmed the information, haven’t they?
3. Arun and Varun are on their way to the airport, aren’t they?
4. Her father is a doctor, isn’t he?
5. The baby elephant that fell into the well was rescued by the locals, wasn’t it?
6. Arranging transport and accommodation for the guests had been their first priority, hadn’t it?
7. You like cookies, don’t you?
8. Bring me some tissue papers, will you?
9. They bought a new LED television, didn’t they?
10. You have been looking for an apartment, haven’t you?

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...