Sunday, January 21, 2024


The words which are used to show connection or relation between two things, people etc. are called Prepositions.
Types of Prepositions 
1. Prepositions of time 
At – to show a definite point of time 
Ex. Let us meet at 7 pm. 
On – to show more general period of time 
Ex. I met her on Friday. 
In – to mention months, year, seasons or parts of the day or to mention the period of time in future when some action will happen 
Ex. I saw a newly bloomed flower in the morning. 
Ex. We usually visit new places in summer. 
Ex. They come to India in December every year. 
Ex. I will finish reading this book in a week. 
By – to show a point of future time at which an action will be over. 
Ex. The work will be submitted by Monday morning. 
For – to show the duration of action for mostly an incomplete action 
Ex. I have been working here for the last few years. 
Since – to indicate the starting point of an action which has continued till the point of speaking 
Ex. I’m working with this firm since 2010.
From – to show the starting point of the action started in the past and is over now 
Ex. He started working with us from 2015.
Other Prepositions of time: After, during, till, before, between etc. 
2. Prepositions of position / place 
In – to indicate a large space, big town or cities and countries 
Ex. I stay in Mumbai 
At – to indicate smaller spaces or small towns, villages or suburbs of a city
Ex. I am waiting for you at the gate. 
Among – to show the position surrounded by many 
Ex. She’s standing among the students. 
Above – to show the position higher than something 
Ex. To get distinction in the examination, you need to score above 75%.
Over – to indicate the vertically above position
Ex. The lamp was hanging over his head. 
Below – to show the position lower than something 
Ex. He got hurt below the knees. 
Under – to indicate the vertically below position
Ex. The box lying under the table. 
Other Prepositions of place / position: between, from, to etc. 
3. Prepositions of direction
To – to show the destination 
Ex. They went to the station. 
Towards – to show the direction 
Ex. He pointed towards the tree. 
Into – to show movement towards interior 
Ex. The train was going into the tunnel. 
Out of – to show movement away from the interior 
Ex. He took the books out of the cupboard. 
At – to indicate the point of aim
Ex. Don’t throw stones at the dog. 
For - to show the direction of the movement 
Ex. He left for Delhi in the morning. 
Against – to show two surfaces where one is using the other for support 
Ex. Keep the ladder against the wall. 
Off – to show separation from a surface 
Ex. He fell off the roof. 
Other types of prepositions
a. Prepositions of agency or medium 
At – She wanted to buy that bungalow at any cost. 
By- We went by bus. 
Through – We got the booking done through the app. 
with – He opened the lock with a pin. 
Without – He managed the work without any help. 
b. Prepositions of manner 
By – He achieved success by working hard. 
With – They worked together with great determination. 
c. Prepositions of reason or purpose 
For – She is working for a good cause. 
Of – They were tired of his excuses. 
From – She felt sick from tiredness. 
Through – They achieved success through hard work. 
d. Prepositions of possession 
On – She is on our side. 
Of – This statue is of 15th century. 
With – He worked with great enthusiasm. 

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