Sunday, January 21, 2024

Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries are the helping verbs which are always followed by the main verb in its original form and they support the meaning of the main verb. They have only one form and do not change the form as per the subject or tense. 
Modal Auxiliaries and their Uses / meanings 
1. Can Ability
Ex. I can easily break these sticks.
Ex. It can rain today as the sky is cloudy. 
2. Could Ability in the past
Ex. I could easily walk 10 kms. at a stretch when I was young.
Polite request in a question
Ex. Could you please give me some information?
3. May Weak possibility
Ex. It may rain today even if it’s not so clouded.
Ex. May I come in, ma’am? 
Ex. You may go now. 
Wish / blessings
Ex. May all your dreams come true. 
Offer to help
Ex. May I carry your bags for you?
4. Might Weaker possibility
Ex. It might rain today even if it’s sunny out there because it’s the rainy season. 
5. Must Obligation/ compulsion 
Ex. You must show your I card at the entry gate.
Ex. He must be busy now. 
6. Ought to Moral obligation
Ex. We ought to respect the elders. 
7. Shall Future time
Ex. I shall complete the work tomorrow.
Formal suggestion in a question 
Ex. Shall we proceed to the next round of the competition? 
8. Should Advice
Ex. You should take your medicines on time. 
9. Will Future time
Ex. He will join us tomorrow.
Ex. It will rain today as the sky is heavily clouded. 
Ex. I will complete my work in time. 
10 Would Habitual action in the past
Ex. We would visit my grandparents every year during our summer holidays.
Weakest possibility in a hopeless situation 
Ex. It would be possible only if all are ready to work together. 

Other modal auxiliaries 
Ex. Dare – Courage 
Mostly used with negative meaning in a question form. 
Ex. How dare you...?
Need – Necessity 
Use: Needn’t = was not needed but done 
Don’t / didn’t need = was not needed so wasn’t done 
The main verbs which have the features of the modals
Ex. Used to, have to, able to, wish to, want to etc. 

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