Saturday, January 20, 2024

Articles (A, An & The)

Use of article ‘A’
Used before a singular common noun starting with a consonant sound, before a noun without any reference, special importance and is introduced for the first time in a given situation
Ex.1. A man was standing at the gate.
2. A flower bloomed in the garden. 
3. She visited a European country every year. 
4. They saw a one eyed man staring at them. 
5. The movie has a universal theme. 
6. She has a unique story idea. 
7. They are a united group of people. 
8. She is working for a UK based company. 
9. He saw a ewe grazing in the lawn. 
10. She wanted to see a unicorn. 
11. It was a useful article. 
13. He needed a one-rupee coin. 
Use of article ‘An’
Used before a singular common noun starting with a vowel sound, before a noun without any reference, special importance and is introduced for the first time in a given situation
Ex. 1. He has an MBA degree. 
2. She is an honest woman. 
3. He is an LIC agent. 
4. He is an heir to a large fortune. 
5. We need an NOC from government. 
Use of article ‘The’ 
a. Before someone /something particular, special, important or some earlier reference 
Ex. 1. The pen you gave me is really good. 
2. It was the moment; we were all waiting for. 
3. She is the friend I told you about. 
4. This is the book which changed my life. 
b. Before a noun which is only one in the given situation 
Ex. 1. The railway station in our town is always crowded. 
2. The manager of our company is out of town. 
3. The principal of our college has started many new activities. 
4. The prime minister will bring radical changes in the country. 
5. The market in our village does not have many shops. 
c. Before superlative adjective 
Ex. It is the best shopping website to buy electronic gadgets. 
d. Before the unique things 
Ex. The earth rotates around the sun. 
e. Before some proper nouns e.g. The names of most of the geographical phenomenon (mostly oceans, rivers, canals, deserts, group of islands, mountain ranges) Before the proper nouns which are originally descriptive nouns (usually phrases or group of small elements) 
Ex. 1. The Ganga is considered a holy river in India. 
2. The Himalayas are spread across many states. 
3. The Deccan plateau was considered to be earthquake proof. 
4.  The United States of America (USA) has become a super power after the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). 
5. The Infosys Foundation works in the field of education for poor children. 
6. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) plays a major role in the fuel oils supply to the world. 
7. The European Union has a common currency. 
f. Before the ordinal number followed by a noun. 
Ex. He was the first man to initiate major changes in society. 
g. Before the place where one is going for non obvious reasons. (Not the primary purpose)
Ex. 1. He is visiting the churches in Mumbai to study their architecture. 
2. She is going to the school to attend a PTA meeting. 
h. Before the proper noun which is used as a common noun
Ex. He is the Shakespeare of India. 
i. Before a singular or plural common noun indicating the class 
Ex. 1. The dog is a loyal animal. 
2. The elephants have good memory. 
          j. Before the adjectives which are given the role of a noun 
         Ex. He helped the poor. 
No article situation
a) Before the abstract nouns, used in general sense (nouns which cannot be understood with the help of five senses) 
Ex. 1.  For me, × friendship is a valuable bond. 
2. We need to show × loyalty to him. 
3. We should not let × hatred take over our positivity. 
b) Before the proper nouns
Ex. We tried to contact × Sheetal but her phone was not reachable. 
c) Before uncountable/material nouns used in general sense (use measurements to count) 
Ex. 1. We need to add × sugar for more sweetness. 
2. You should avoid eating × salt. 
3. Use × oil if necessary. 
d) Before the noun indicating any place serving a certain purpose is visited for their primary purpose. (School, college, church, hospital, market, prison etc.) 
Ex. She went to × church to pray for her son. 

Example of Summary Writing

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