Saturday, January 20, 2024


1. Assertive sentence/ Statement:
Used for giving information, describing or narrating something, conveying emotions 
Ex. We watched an interesting movie. 
Ex. He is interested in reading novels.
2. Interrogative sentence/ Question:
Used for asking information or creating dramatic effect 
Types: There are three types of interrogative sentences 
A. ‘Wh’ question
Starts with a ‘Wh’ word usually followed by the helping verb
Ex. What are you doing here? 
How many students are participating in the quiz? 
B. Verbal question /yes-no question
Starts with a helping verb
Ex. Are you interested in joining our team? 
C. Rhetorical question
A question where answer is not expected, it is used to give emotional or dramatic effect. It can be a verbal or ‘Wh’ question. The meaning of a rhetorical question can be given in an assertive sentence. 
Ex. Shouldn’t you pay attention?
Ans. You should pay attention.
Exercises:  Conversion of a rhetorical question into an assertive sentence
1. What is the use of helping these ungrateful people? 
2. Isn’t it your responsibility to take care of your health? 
3. Why should we waste so much time on social media? 
4. Who can deny their contribution in our success? 
1. There is no use of helping these ungrateful people. / Helping these ungrateful people is of no use.
2. It is your responsibility to take care of your health.
3. We should not waste so much time on social media.
4. No one can deny their contribution in our success.

3. Imperative sentence:
It starts with a main verb, the subject of the imperative sentence is, ‘you’, using the subject is avoided and the subject is called ‘understood you’. It is used for requests, commands or suggestions etc.
Ex. Start working on the project. 
Take a left turn after 2 km. 
Come in. 
Come here quickly. 
Please help me in finding a new job. 

4. Exclamatory sentence:
Used to show excitement or emotional expression like anger, fear, joy, surprise etc. 
Ex. What a beautiful picture it is! 
Ans. It is a very beautiful picture.
Ex. How impressive the work is! 
Ans. The work is very impressive.

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...