Saturday, January 20, 2024


Clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb which is usually a part of a sentence. 
Main Clause: 
Subordinate Clause:
Subordinate Clause is further divided into the following types. 
1. Noun clause: 
i. As a subject: Ex. What he said was true.
ii. As an object: Ex. He says that he won’t leave me alone. 
iii. As an object of the preposition: Ex. There is no point in what you are doing. 
iv. As a complement of the verb: Ex. His greatest fear is that he may get arrested there. 
2. Adjective clause:
Ex. He’s the man whom I can trust completely. 
Ex. They are looking for a hero who will save them from their miseries.
Ex. He wants to play a role that will change his image. 
Ex. He is trying to get a job which will tap his true potential. 
3. Adverb clause:
i. Time: Ex. He will complete the work when the equipment is available. 
ii. Place: Ex. They should invest their money in a scheme where it will grow faster. 
iii. Purpose: Ex. I will give you guidelines so that you can complete the work on your own. 
iv. Reason / Cause: Ex. They worked hard because they wanted to achieve success. 
v. Condition: Ex. If it rains, we will have to cancel our plan. 
vi. Result: Ex. He is such a good man that all respect him. 
vii. Comparison: Ex. He is taller than his brother. 
viii. Concession: Ex. Though he was angry, he kept quiet. 
ix. Manner: Ex. She behaves as if she’s a queen. 

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...