Saturday, January 20, 2024

Direct – Indirect speech

# Tense change from direct speech to indirect speech 
Direct speech = Indirect speech 
1 Present + Present = Present + Present
2 Present + Past = Present + Past 
3 Past + Present = Past + Past
4 Past + Past = Past + Past Perfect

# Rules as per the type of sentence 
5. Assertive sentences 
Say to = Tell (Reporting Verb) 
*Connecting word = that
Ex. He says, “I’m always happy.”
Ans. He says that he is always happy. 
6. Interrogative sentences 
Say = ask/ inquire / Question (Reporting Verbs) 
*Connecting words = verbal questions – if /whether 
No connecting word for ‘Wh’ questions 
*Rule– Convert the question form to statement in indirect speech. 
Ex. He said to her, “Why are you so worried today?”
Ans. He asked her why she was so worried that day. 
Ex. They said to him, “Are you hungry?”
Ans. They asked him if he was hungry. 
7. Imperative sentences 
Say = ask /order /request /command/ tell / suggest/ advise etc. (Reporting Verbs) 
Say to = tell
*Connecting word = to 
Ex. Rita said to her daughter, “Take your medicines on time.”
Ans. Rita advised her daughter to take her medicines on time.
Ex. Sam said to them, “Don’t worry about me.”
Ans. Sam told them not to worry about him. 
        IV.          Exclamatory sentences 
Say = exclaim /cry or utter in wonder etc. (Reporting Verbs) 
*Connecting word = that 
*Rule – Convert the exclamation into a statement using very/ a very
Ex. Sonia said, “What a beautiful painting it is!”
Ans. Sonia exclaimed that it was a very beautiful painting. 
Ex. Ronnie said, “How exciting the offer is!”
Ans. Ronnie exclaimed that the offer was very exciting. 

*Note: 1. Words expressing ‘nearness’ in direct speech are converted to words expressing ‘distance’ in Indirect speech. 
This – That 
These – Those
Now – Then
Here – There 
Ago – Before 
Thus – So
So – that 
Today - That day
Tonight - That night  
Tomorrow – Next day / the day after 
Yesterday – Previous day / the day before 
Note: 2. Points to focus in conversion of direct and indirect speech
Change in the reporting verb as per the situation. 
Change in the tense of the main verb in the inverted commas if necessary. 
Use of the connecting word if needed. 
Change in the structure of the sentence given inside the inverted commas if needed. 
Change in the pronouns, adverbs etc. If needed. 

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