Saturday, January 20, 2024

Synthesis of Sentences

Combination of two or more sentences into a simple, complex or compound sentence 
1. For a simple sentence 
By using a non-finite verb to frame the sentence 
Ex. He jumped off the window. He ran away. 
Ans. Jumping off the window, he ran away. 
Ex. He completed her work. He wanted to help her. 
Ans. He completed her work in order to help her. 
Ex. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. I need to get my check up done. 
Ans. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to get my check up done. 
Ex. The doctor reached there. The patient was treated in time. 
Ans. The doctor having reached there, the patient was treated in time. 
Ex. The game was very interesting. We all enjoyed it a lot. 
Ans. The game being very interesting, we all enjoyed it a lot. 
By using a noun or noun phrase in apposition 
Ex. She is my friend. Her name is Namrata. 
Ans. She is my friend, Namrata. 
Ex. I have seen Paris. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 
Ans. I have seen Paris, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 
By using a prepositional phrase. 
Ex. He was planning to go for a movie. He didn’t want to take his younger sister with him.
Ans. He was planning to go for a movie without his younger sister.
By using a word or phrase made from the key word of the other sentence. 
Ex. He achieved success. He deserved it. 
Ans. He achieved success deservedly. / He achieved well deserved success. 
2. For a compound sentence 
By using a suitable coordinating conjunction 
Ex. And, not only... but also, for, so, but, still, yet, nevertheless, or, either...or, neither... nor, as well as, else etc. 
Ex. We went to market. We bought some vegetables. 
Ans. We went to market and bought some vegetables. 
3. For a complex sentence 
By using a subordinate clause, made out of another sentence i.e., Noun, adjective or adverb clause 
1. He was worried about his job. I didn’t know about it. 
2. She has a good collection of paintings at home. The paintings are very expensive. 
3. He took his daughter to a garden. His daughter enjoyed a lot there.
4. I watched my favourite movie last night. I enjoyed it thoroughly. 
1. I didn’t know that he was worried about his job. (Noun clause) 
2. At her home she has a good collection of paintings which are very expensive. (Adjective clause) 
3. He took his daughter to a garden where his daughter enjoyed a lot. (Adverb clause) 
4. Last night I watched my favourite movie which I enjoyed thoroughly. (Adjective clause)

Example of Summary Writing

Unseen passage for summary writing: The impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern. The social media platforms showcase th...